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2013年1月24日由中国农业出版社主办的“办好《世界农业》专家恳谈会”在北京召开。农业部副部长、《世界农业》编委会主任牛盾出席恳谈会并作重要指示;会议由中国农业出版社总编辑、《世界农业》编委袁惠民主持,中国农业出版社党委书记兼社长、《世界农业》编委会副主任刘增胜代表主办单位致欢迎词,中国农业出版社副总编辑、《世界农业》主编宋毅致答谢词。来自《世界农业》办刊指导单位农业部国际合作司,协办单位以及农业部各司局主管外事外经工作的领导,农业部 January 24, 2013 Sponsored by China Agricultural Press, the “Good World Agricultural Expert Discussion Meeting” organized by China Agriculture Press was held in Beijing. Vice Minister of Agriculture and Director of the Board of Agriculture of the World Agriculture Niu Dun attended the forum and made important instructions. The meeting was presided over by China Agriculture Press editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief of World Agriculture Yuan Huimin and party secretary and president of China Agriculture Press Liu Zengsheng, deputy director of the editorial board of “World Agriculture”, delivered a welcome speech on behalf of the organizer. Song Yi, editor-in-chief of China Agriculture Press and Song Yi, chief editor of “World Agriculture” said thanks. From the “World Agriculture” to guide the Ministry of International Cooperation Department of Agriculture Department, co-organizers and the Department of Agriculture, Department of Foreign Affairs of the competent foreign affairs leadership, the Ministry of Agriculture
目的 观察垂体腺苷酸环化酶激活肽 (PACAP)对谷氨酸和葡萄糖缺乏所致海马神经元损伤的保护作用。方法 取新生SD大鼠海马 ,采用B2 7无血清培养基培养神经元 ,MTT法测定神经
随着计算机科学的迅猛发展 ,计算机管理已经渗透到药物管理的各个环节。为了强化药物配伍的管理 ,加强临床处方审核力度 ,同时也为临床合理用药提供有力的咨询和指导 ,我们开
最近,江西省部分地区农民反映所种的水稻发生了原因不明的矮缩病。为弄清问题,我们深入新建、泰和、信丰等地进行了田间实地考察。检测结果表明,此病害为由灰飞虱 Recently,
雷帕霉素 (rapamycin ,RPM)是一种新型免疫抑制剂。自 1999年用于防治肾移植急性排斥反应以来 ,临床观察结果显示 ,对肾移植急性排斥反应具有良好地防治效果。RPM虽然化学结构与他可莫司(FK5 0
为要重新装夹一个铸件毛坯并能沿其整个轴向准确对中,通常采用四爪卡盘在径向调整,同时进行轴向校正,为此必须轮换松紧卡爪。由于 In order to reassemble a cast blank an