苏联剧变深层次原因研究是当代人文科学的一个重大课题 ,也是一个世纪难题 ,因为它涉及到国际共运的兴衰浮沉和社会主义的前途命运。1 0年来 ,国内外的专家学者围绕这一课题展开了深入细致的研究 ,写出了大量的学术论文和书籍。青年学者左凤荣新近出版的专著《致命的错误——苏
The study of the causes of the Soviet Union’s drastic changes is an important issue in contemporary humanities and a century-long problem as it relates to the ups and downs of the Communist International Movement and the future and destiny of socialism. In the past 10 years, domestic and foreign experts and scholars have conducted in-depth and meticulous research on this topic and have written a large number of academic papers and books. Young scholar Zuo Fengrong recently published monograph "fatal error - Su