复读生 多一次机会多一层焦虑

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作为高考中一群特殊的群体,复读生面对的高考压力比应届生更大。他们当中有因为没考上理想大学而留下来再读一年的优秀学生,面对自己的第二次高考,他们除了要克服考前过于紧张外,还要克服与自己过去的比较;也有因为高考成绩不佳,一心想考大学的复读生,虽经刻苦努力成绩有所提高,但却害怕高考重蹈覆辙,复读心血付诸东流。 As a group of special groups in the college entrance examination, the repetition of the college entrance examination pressure is greater than the previous students. Among them are outstanding students who have not been admitted to an ideal university and have stayed for one more year. In the face of their second college entrance examination, they have to overcome the tensions before the exam but also overcome the comparison with their own past; Poor performance in the college entrance examination, as one would like to test the university’s repeater students, despite hard efforts to improve their performance, but they are afraid of the same mistakes in the college entrance examination, re-reading and desperation.
一、表达组成结构的6个式子  分子式、化学式、电子式、实验式(最简式)、结构简式(包括键线式)、结构式。  1.有些化合物电子式难以掌握,容易犯错误,需单独列举出来不断地练习书写。  根據题目信息的表达题是化学用语的天地。在正确的基本概念和基本理论引领下,准确书写出答案。
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The present paper examines the validity of the application of a distributed rainfall-runoff-erosion model on a regional basis in a semi-arid region of Brazil. T
Soils in the Knersvlakte are particularly prone to crusting and have lower inherent infiltrability than other soils across western southern Africa. Micromorphol
这场外人难以判断的恩怨与冲突,最终表现出来的是一场对财产的争夺战。祸起萧墙最难防!刘根山最大的悲哀在于,希望置他于死地的举报人,竟然是他的亲妹夫。 The grudges and