Research on Michelson interference refractive index sensing technique based on double-core microfibe

来源 :光电子快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:q329118794
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We propose a novel refractive index sensor based on Michelson interferometer by using double-core microfiber.Through the reflection of the end and taper of double-core fiber (DCF),the Michelson interference spectrum is formed.Owing to the structure characteristic of double-core microfiber,this interferometer can achieve the measurement of re-fractive index (RI) and temperature.The experimental results show that the refractive index sensitivity of the inter-ferometer is 2377.80 nm/RIU at the diameter of the taper waist of 8.76 μm.In the temperature ranges from 30 ℃ to 60 ℃,the temperature sensitivity is 0.07048 nm/℃.This sensor has the advantage of high refractive index sensitivity.
针对全封闭式高速ICMOS组件因CMOS芯片产生的热量在光学环氧胶层中积聚,导致耦合面温度升高进而出现软化、开裂等影响成像质量的问题,提出了散热优化方案.利用金属散热板及高热导率散热硅脂将CMOS芯片产生的热量传导转移至非受热易失效区域,从而降低耦合面受热破坏失效的风险.使用ANSYS Icepak进行热学仿真分析后表明,优化后的耦合面温度下降了25%,符合光学环氧胶的使用要求,环境试验验证了仿真结果的准确性.
在IGZO型TFT-LCD器件阵列四次光刻工艺条件下,研究了薄膜晶体管图形设计对实做图形的影响,得到了不同沟道长设计、补偿设计对半色调掩膜光刻后沟道区域光刻胶图形拖尾、内缩、膜厚的影响趋势.实验测量结果表明,沟道长设计值L在3μm~10 μm时,L越大,光刻胶内缩量越大,拖尾量越小,沟道内光刻胶膜厚越小;L>10 μm时,光刻胶内缩量、拖尾量、膜厚趋于平稳.基于以上趋势,通过对沟道长设计优化和图形补偿设计,可有效改善光刻胶内缩和拖尾对实做沟道长宽比的影响,同时获得合适的沟道光刻胶膜厚.
In practice,since the measurement environments are usually complex,the electromagnetic interference problem has been an important issue for sensor applications,and the fiber sensor can overcome it effectively.this paper proposes a new type of vibration se
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