A comparative study of a direct and pulse electrode-position method of TiO2 films and its effect on

来源 :光电子快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:datouuupp
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The present study reports the titanium dioxide(TiO2)films synthesized from TiCl3 precursor on ITO glass substrates using two electrochemical techniques,namely direct electro-deposition(DE)and pulse electro-deposition(PE).The synthesis potential during the time-on(Ton)period was fixed at-1.5 V.However,the open-circuit potential was ap-plied during the time-off(Toff)period.The effect of the technique of electro-deposition and Toff duration on the prop-erties of TiO2 films and their photoelectron-catalytic activity were investigated.The obtained films were investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),UV-VIS spectrometer,and photocurrent meas-urement respectively.It is found that the use of the PE technique at different Toff improves the properties of TiO2 films compared to the DE technique.The XRD patterns show the anatase phase with a marked preferential orientation along the(101)direction for all samples.From the SEM analysis,it is seen a significant change from big multigrain ag-glomerates at DE to a dense film structure and small multigrain agglomerates at different Toff.As the Toff decreases from 3 s to 1 s,the photocurrent response rises and reaches a high value of about 12 mA/cm2.Compared with DE,and under UV light the photocatalytic property of TiO2 film synthesis via PE has been improved in the degradation of methyl orange(MO).Finally,the films deposited at low Toff(Toff=1 s)show a faster degradation of MO.
基于光纤面板传像原理,提出了一种新型光纤面板的制作方法.采用光辅助电化学方法制备了硅微通道阵列,并将其作为光纤面板的骨架结构,通过氧化工艺在通道内壁制备二氧化硅层作为光纤包层,内部填充高折射率玻璃作为纤芯,制备出一种新结构的传像器件.其理论数值孔径为1.37,经初步测试,其分辨率可达到57 lp/mm.利用此方法制备的光纤面板不会有光串扰问题,可完全避免刀口响应,增加对比度.此方法能有效提高分辨率,有望成为制造高分辨率、高质量传像器件的新方法.
基于喷墨打印工艺,实现了量子点材料与UV胶复合墨水的高精度转移,导光板网点形貌规整,稳定性高,出光效果好.通过调节UV胶与溶剂比例抑制了咖啡环的形成,然后为了实现导光板白平衡,分别调配了红、绿量子点比例以及量子点在打印墨水中所占质量比.为防止网点之间发生串联,确定了使用循环六次打印的方法进行网点打印.通过表征分析可知,导光板出光均匀性为80.8%,平均亮度可达2769 cd/m2,色坐标(0.3294,0.3081),色域105%NTSC.这一工作有利于实现优异出光效果、低成本和高稳定性的量子点网点导光板
针对全封闭式高速ICMOS组件因CMOS芯片产生的热量在光学环氧胶层中积聚,导致耦合面温度升高进而出现软化、开裂等影响成像质量的问题,提出了散热优化方案.利用金属散热板及高热导率散热硅脂将CMOS芯片产生的热量传导转移至非受热易失效区域,从而降低耦合面受热破坏失效的风险.使用ANSYS Icepak进行热学仿真分析后表明,优化后的耦合面温度下降了25%,符合光学环氧胶的使用要求,环境试验验证了仿真结果的准确性.
在IGZO型TFT-LCD器件阵列四次光刻工艺条件下,研究了薄膜晶体管图形设计对实做图形的影响,得到了不同沟道长设计、补偿设计对半色调掩膜光刻后沟道区域光刻胶图形拖尾、内缩、膜厚的影响趋势.实验测量结果表明,沟道长设计值L在3μm~10 μm时,L越大,光刻胶内缩量越大,拖尾量越小,沟道内光刻胶膜厚越小;L>10 μm时,光刻胶内缩量、拖尾量、膜厚趋于平稳.基于以上趋势,通过对沟道长设计优化和图形补偿设计,可有效改善光刻胶内缩和拖尾对实做沟道长宽比的影响,同时获得合适的沟道光刻胶膜厚.
In practice,since the measurement environments are usually complex,the electromagnetic interference problem has been an important issue for sensor applications,and the fiber sensor can overcome it effectively.this paper proposes a new type of vibration se
针对卡塞格林太阳能聚光镜的次镜遮挡问题,提出了降低遮拦比的透镜校正法.在传统的聚光比与遮拦比计算公式的基础上,给出了校正版计算公式.选取聚光比为280,遮拦比为0.33的卡塞格林聚光镜,利用Zemax软件进行了仿真分析.结果 表明利用透镜校正法,所设计的卡塞格林聚光镜的遮拦比降低了36.36%,并且聚光镜的聚光比也得到了改善,接收器表面的光斑分布也更加均匀.
Passively Q-switched thulium doped fiber laser (TDFL) has been successfully demonstrated using gold nanoparticles(GNPs),which were embedded into polyvinyl alcohol as saturable absorber (SA).The stable self-starting Q-switched laser was generated to operat