
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A123456_gam
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The characteristics of the electricity aad optics have been studied for the polyacenic semiconductor material prepared by pyrolysis of phenolfor-maldehyde resin in this paper. The experimental results indicate that the electrical conductivity of polyacenic material increasses with a rise in pyrolytic temperature(Tp). The sample prepared at 7p=600℃ demonstrated that behavior governed by three-dimension sional-range-hopping (3D-VRH) mechanism at a temperature range of 77-100K. Both 0.052eV and 0.074eV acceptor energy levels (or energy bands) exist in this sample. Raman spectrum demonstrates the increasing of graphitization structure aromatic rings with the rise in pyrolytic temperature, which would increase electrical conductivity. PL spectrum indicates that the pristine polyacenic material can not become a narrow-gap semiconductor even if the electrical conductivity of sample is larger than 101 S·cm-1. The characteristics of the electricity aad optics have been studied for the polyacenic semiconductor material prepared by pyrolysis of phenolfor-maldehyde resin in this paper. The experimental results that that electrical conductivity of polyacenic material increasses with a rise in pyrolytic temperature (Tp). The sample prepared at 7p = 600 ° C demonstrates that behavior governed by three-dimension sional-range-hopping (3D-VRH) mechanism at a temperature range of 77-100K. Both 0.052eV and 0.074eV acceptor energy levels (or energy bands) exist in this sample. Raman spectrum demonstrates the increasing graphitization structure of aromatic rings with the rise in pyrolytic temperature, which would increase electrical conductivity. PL spectrum indicates that the pristine polyacenic material can not become a narrow-gap semiconductor even if the electrical conductivity of sample is larger than 101 S · cm-1.
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省林学会于六月九日至十三日在昆明召开丁我省第一次林业经济学术讨论会,会议收到有关专题论文四十八篇,到会代表八十余人。这次讨论会在总结我省三十一 Provincial Forest
今天除夕夜,爸爸特许我放鞭炮,我可乐坏了,抓起家里的鞭炮就往楼下冲。  啊!外面的人可真多呀!小弟弟、小妹妹们个个蹦蹦跳跳,叔叔阿姨们边走边笑。我迫不及待地冲出人群,好不容易在马路边找了个没人的地方。这时,爸爸和哥哥也兴冲冲地跑来了。  我首先拿了个很大的“震天雷”,撕开外面的红纸,慢慢地拉出引线,擦燃火柴,心里很紧张。就在火柴马上要触到引线头的时候,突然“砰”的一声响,我被吓得半死,哥哥却在一边