Fe_(81) Ga_(19)合金晶体生长取向与磁致伸缩性能

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通过区熔定向凝固法,生长出[001]易磁化方向与晶体轴向之间存在不同取向差的Fe81Ga19合金单晶体和Fe81Ga19合金多晶体.极图测试结果显示,Fe81Ga19合金单晶体的[001]方向与轴向取向差分别为12°,5°和3°.采用电阻应变片法测定相应磁致伸缩应变,与外加磁场方向平行的轴向磁致伸缩应变分别为254×10-6,271×10-6和291×10-6.由劳埃法确定并切取[001]取向Fe81Ga19合金单晶体,磁致伸缩应变达到312×10-6.采用背散射取向分析方法(EBSD),确定了定向生长Fe81Ga19合金取向多晶体不同晶粒[001]易磁化方向与晶体轴向之间取向差,其分别为18.4°,15.2°和14.8°,轴向磁致伸缩应变分别为180×10-6,230×10-6和235×10-6. Through the zone melting directional solidification method, Fe 81 Ga 19 single crystal and Fe 81 Ga 19 polycrystal with different orientation difference between the [001] easy magnetization direction and the crystal axial direction were grown. The pole figure test results show that the [001] direction of the Fe 81 Ga 19 single crystal is The axial misorientations were 12 °, 5 ° and 3 °, respectively.Determination of the corresponding magnetostrictive strains by the strain gauge method showed that the axial magnetostrictive strains parallel to the direction of the applied magnetic field were 254 × 10-6,271 × 10-6 And 291 × 10-6, respectively.The magnetostriction of Fe81Ga19 single crystal with [001] orientation was determined and determined by Lloyd method to reach 312 × 10-6. The orientation of Fe81Ga19 alloy was confirmed by backscatter analysis (EBSD) The difference in orientation between the [001] easy-magnetization direction and the crystal axis of the different grains of polycrystalline is 18.4 °, 15.2 ° and 14.8 °, respectively, and their axial magnetostrictive strains are 180 × 10-6, 230 × 10-6 and 235 × 10-6.
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