
来源 :档案学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shenkefang
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我国档案事业的发展战略是什么?应制定什么样的战略目标,才能更好地发挥档案事业系统的功能?这是档案事业发展中必须解决的重大课题,亦是档案学基础理论研究的重要内容之一。如果没有战略目标,仅凭“走一步,看一步”的路子,档案事业是不会有大的起色的;如果不对档案事业发展的战略目标进行分析、论证和优选,单靠研究微观的档案管理活动,小改小革,是不会有根本性突破的,也是不能适应信息时代发展要求的。因此,为了建立具有中国特色的档案事业体系,促进档案事业的大发展,必须从宏观的角度研究档案事业发展的战略目标,使改革从具体的业务层次、微观的管理活动,推进到整个事业的宏观层次,为档案事业发展提供正确的决策和科学的依据,为档案事业的发展指出明确的方向。无疑,发展战略目标的制定是一项极其复杂的系统工程,必须依靠档案界广大专家、学者同仁,共同研究,共同探讨。拙文主要从以下三个方面谈点粗浅看法。 What is the development strategy of archives in our country? What kind of strategic goals should be formulated so as to give full play to the function of the archives system? This is an important issue that must be solved in the development of archives and an important part of the basic theoretical research of archives one. If there is no strategic goal, the cause of archives will not make any great improvement simply by taking the “step by step and step by step” approach. If we do not analyze, justify and optimize the strategic objectives for the development of archives, we should rely solely on the study of micro-archives management Activities, small change small leather, there will be no fundamental breakthrough, but also can not meet the requirements of the development of the information age. Therefore, in order to establish a file system with Chinese characteristics and promote the great development of the file industry, it is necessary to study the strategic objectives for the development of the file industry from a macro perspective so that the reform can be promoted from the specific business level and the micro-management activities to the entire enterprise Macro-level, to provide the correct decision-making and scientific basis for the development of the file industry, pointed out a clear direction for the development of the file business. Undoubtedly, the formulation of the strategic objectives of development is an extremely complicated systematic project. We must rely on the vast numbers of experts and scholars in the field of archives to conduct joint studies and discussions. Zhuo Wen mainly from the following three aspects to talk about the superficial view.
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