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齐河县祝阿镇有65个村,3.2万人,4.1万亩耕地。近年来,这个镇在充分发挥南靠济南、北依县城的区位优势,发展城郊型经济,大力培植蔬菜、水产等主导产业的过程中,积极探索组织农民进行合同经营和期货生产的路子,为农民找到了一条“致富有保障、生产无风险”的发展途径,实现了小生产和大市场的对接,推进了农业产业化进程。一、组织农民进行期货生产的动因农村土地使用制度的改革和市场经济的迅速发展,使农民获得了极大的生产经营自主权,促进了农村经济的发展。但是,随着农业产业结构的调整,尤其是经济作物种植面积逐年扩大,农业管理体制的改革滞后,农产品产加销脱节的矛盾日益突出。农民虽然已成为独立的生产经营者,而农业的自然风险和市场风险以及“买难卖难”问题困挠着农民。特别是随着市场经济的不断发展,农业和农村中一些隐蔽的深层矛盾也明显暴露出来,譬如农业产量与效益不平衡,“增产不增收”;小生产与大市场难以连 Qihe County, Zhuhai Town has 65 villages, 32,000 people, 41,000 acres of arable land. In recent years, this town has actively explored ways to organize farmers to conduct contractual and futures production in the process of fully utilizing the advantages of Jinan and Beiyi county seats in the south, developing suburban economy, and cultivating leading industries such as vegetables and aquatic products. The farmers have found a development approach to “safeguards and production-free risks”, achieved the connection between small-scale production and large markets, and promoted the process of agricultural industrialization. I. The motives for organizing farmers to carry out futures production The reform of the rural land use system and the rapid development of the market economy have enabled the peasants to obtain great autonomy in production and management and promote the development of the rural economy. However, with the adjustment of the industrial structure of agriculture, especially the growing area of ​​economic crops has been expanding year by year, the reform of the agricultural management system has lags behind, and the contradiction between the production and marketing of agricultural products has become increasingly prominent. Although the farmers have become independent producers and operators, the natural risks and market risks of agriculture and the “difficulties in selling and selling hard” have plagued farmers. In particular, with the continuous development of the market economy, some hidden deep-seated contradictions in agriculture and rural areas have also been clearly exposed, such as unbalanced agricultural output and efficiency, and “increased production without increasing income”; small-scale production and large markets are difficult to link up.
郑州商品交易所:你所报送的《关于修改小麦期货合约的请示》(中郑商交字(2000)第8号)收悉。现批复如下:一、同意你所将“小麦期货合约”修改为“普通小麦期货合约”。 Zhen
最近,我们对鲁西阳谷县的8个乡镇,10个行政村和36户农民进行调查,着重研究开拓鲁西农村市场问题。现将调查情况报告如下: 一、农村市场现状及特点阳谷县目前农村市场总的态
为期三个月的武警部队营房、军需处 (科 )长培训班 1 2月 1 0日在我院圆满结束 ,91名学员完成规定的学习内容 ,全部按期结业。本次培训班从 2 0 0 2年 9月 1日开学 ,1 2月 1