,Precise, Long-Time Displacement Self-Sensing of Piezoelectric Cantilever Actuators Based on Charge

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:and113
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Previous studies show that near linearity exists between displacement and charge of piezoelectric actuators,while studies under higher fields are lacking and long-time displacement self-sensing is still a challenge.Here we indicate that precise,long-time displacement self-sensing can be accomplished using the Sawyer-Tower circuit,where a high-impedance electrometer and a non-leaky capacitor are used to measure the charge.Calibrating the results on a piezoelectric unimorph cantilever shows that the displacement resolution of charge self-sensing is ~3 nm,much better than that of ~40 nm for the calibrating laser sensor.Testing results under a unipolar field up to 2 k V/mm with different periods indicate that a direct proportional relationship holds between charge and displacement with the maximum error of 4.65%.The self-sensing time can be over 20 min or even longer if a higher-impedance electrometer is used.
绝不是廉价版B-2  在美国空军年会上,曾展示过一张B-21轰炸机的想象图。从外形上看,其基本沿用了B-2轰炸机的无尾飞翼布局,飞机中部隆起以容纳乘员座舱、弹舱和机载设备,机身两侧安装发动机舱,锯齿形的进气口布置在飞机背部。不过,由于保密原因,美军展示的B-21想象图细节相当模糊,加之没有公开该机的基本参数,这就给推测其性能带来了相当大的困难。  但从已公布的B-21项目各家分包商来看,不乏普惠、
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