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遵照党中央和江泽民总书记的有关指示,武汉市委、市政府非常重视国有企业领导班子的建设问题,认为这是国企改革能否成功的关键所在。去年上半年,市委两次发文,对加强和改进国有企业领导班子建设提出了明确意见,并制定了“市管国有企业领导人员管理暂行办法”,在探索建立具有我市特点的分类分层干部管理体制上迈出了可喜步伐,一大批国企经营管理者经受了锻炼和考验,逐渐地成长和成熟起来。为了交流经验,推进工作,在“五一”国际劳动节即将来临之际,市委组织部于4月28日召开了全市国有企业领导班子建设工作座谈会。市委副书记赵零,市委常委、组织部长朱龙生在会上作了重要讲话,6位国企负责人结合本单位的实际发了言。市委组织部、市国企领导班子考核建设工作协调小组成员单位和20家大型企业负责人参加了会议。座谈会由市委组织部副部长开远荣主持。 Following the instructions from the Party Central Committee and General Secretary Jiang Zemin, the CPC Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and the Wuhan Municipal Government attach great importance to the construction of the leading group in state-owned enterprises and think that this is the key to the success of the state-owned enterprise reform. In the first half of last year, the municipal party committee twice issued a document and made clear opinions on strengthening and improving the leading group construction of state-owned enterprises. It also formulated the Interim Measures for the Administration of State-owned Enterprise Leaders in Municipal Administration, exploring ways to establish a hierarchical and hierarchical cadre with characteristics of our city The management system has made remarkable progress. A large number of state-owned enterprise managers have undergone exercises and tests and have gradually grown up and matured. In order to exchange experiences and promote work, on April 1, when the International Labor Day was approaching, the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee held a forum on the work of leading state-building in the city's state-owned enterprises on April 28. Zhao Ling, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, Municipal Committee and Minister of Organization Zhu Longsheng made an important speech at the meeting, and six heads of state-owned enterprises made statements in light of the actual situation of the unit. Municipal Organization Department, the state-owned enterprises leading group assessment of the work of the coordination group members and 20 heads of large enterprises attended the meeting. The forum was chaired by Kai Yuanrong, deputy director of the Municipal Organization Department.
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