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现代国家治理的内在逻辑表明,合作互动是其主线,而合作互动源于互信。历史经验表明,良好的国家治理既不能靠“硬权力”的强力推动,也不能一味依靠妥协让步来维持,而必须以社会成员的信任托付为基础。因此,信任构成现代国家治理的基础性要件。然而,现实情况是,信任缺失正成为现代国家治理面临的突出难题。基于此,应从培育公共精神、健全制度、规范公共权力、锻造诚信社会等基础层面作出积极探索。 The internal logic of modern state governance shows that cooperation and interaction are the main lines, and cooperation and interaction result from mutual trust. Historical experience shows that good state governance can neither be strongly promoted by “hard power” nor relied on compromise and concession, but must be based on the trust entrusted by members of society. Therefore, trust constitutes the basic requirement of modern state governance. However, the reality is that the absence of trust is becoming a prominent problem facing the governance of modern countries. Based on this, we should make active exploration from such basic aspects as fostering the public spirit, perfecting the system, standardizing public power and forging a credible society.
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