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医学研究结果显示,我国的肾脏疾病患者逐年增加,其中很大一部分与药物使用不当有关。老年人肾脏逐渐萎缩,功能逐渐减退,肾血流减少,因此,药源性肾损害特别容易发生在老年患者中间。此外,原本已有肾功能障碍者,过敏体质、处于脱水状态的病人,也容易发生药物性肾损害,尤其是同时应用两种或两种以上肾毒性药物的患者,发生肾损害的概率则更高。一旦发生药源性肾损害,将严重影响患者的身体健康,甚至可能致人死命。因此,必须提高警惕,防止或减少药源性肾损害的发生。 Medical research results show that our country’s kidney disease patients increased year by year, a large part of which is related to improper use of drugs. The elderly kidney gradually shrinking, function gradually diminished, renal blood flow decreased, therefore, drug-induced renal damage is particularly prone to the middle of the elderly patients. In addition, those who already have renal dysfunction, allergies, in dehydrated patients, but also prone to drug-induced renal damage, especially in patients with two or more types of nephrotoxic drugs, the probability of kidney damage is even more high. In the event of drug-induced renal damage, will seriously affect the patient’s health, and may even cause human death. Therefore, we must be vigilant to prevent or reduce the occurrence of drug-induced renal damage.
这天一大早儿,布鲁克太大接到丈夫布鲁克的电话:“亲爱的,我中了乐透一等奖!”布鲁克是一家公司的中级销售,平时就有買彩票的爱好。现在丈夫出差在外,一大早儿就打来这个报喜电话,让布鲁克太大的心里乐开了花。  挂了电话,布鲁克太太在喜悦中沉浸了一会儿,然后提着包包出去了,一直到傍晚才回家。不一会儿,布鲁克先生也回来了,他一进门,就看见妻子容光焕发,打扮得就如明星一样。见丈夫回来了,布鲁克太大迫不及待地说
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自从母亲去世后,每周我都要和留守在家的父亲通几次话。每次通话,父子之间必有这样的对话:“爹,您肺不好,少抽点烟啊!”“呵呵,那可不行。烟像我的拐棍儿,离不开了。不过,俺会注意的!”  父亲今年71岁,烟龄也有半个世纪了。打我记事起,父亲最享受的事情就是“饭后一枝烟,赛似活神仙”。那时,家里穷,抽不起过滤嘴香烟,父親就把白纸裁成段,把烟叶裹在里面,卷成喇叭状,抽得很香。  我10岁那年春节,父亲给一
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