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我是位52岁的女环卫工人,前不久因尿频、尿急、尿痛被诊断为急性肾盂肾炎。单位里有位男职工患有慢性肾炎,现在眼睑、小腿还有浮肿。请问肾炎与肾盂肾炎有什么不同呢?江西孟瑞芳孟瑞芳读者:肾炎(即肾小球肾炎)与肾盂肾炎,两者虽然只有两字之差,但却是两种不同的疾病。其发生部位、发病原因、临床症状和治疗预后均不同,因此不能混为一谈。它们有何不同呢?发生部位不同:它们虽然都发生在肾脏,但具体发生部位完全不同:肾脏分为肾实质和肾盂两部分,肾实质又分为外层和内层,肾小球在外 I am a 52-year-old woman sanitation worker who was diagnosed with acute pyelonephritis not long ago because of frequent urination, urgency and dysuria. A male worker in a unit has chronic nephritis and his eyelids and calves are now swollen. What is the difference between nephritis and pyelonephritis? Mengrui Fang, Mengrui Fang, Jiangxi Readers: Nephritis (ie, glomerulonephritis) and pyelonephritis, although only the difference between the two words, but it is two different diseases. The site of occurrence, the cause of the disease, clinical symptoms and treatment prognosis are different, and therefore can not be confused. What are the differences between them? The occurrence of different parts: Although they all occur in the kidneys, but the exact location of different parts: the kidney is divided into two parts of the renal parenchyma and renal pelvis, the renal parenchyma is divided into the outer and inner layers of glomeruli
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乌鲁木齐是全疆的政治经济文化中心,也是西部热点旅游城市,大力发展文化产业、繁荣文化市场对于提高首府城市的综合实力,对于城市的可持续发展具有重要意义。 Urumqi, a pol
这天一大早儿,布鲁克太大接到丈夫布鲁克的电话:“亲爱的,我中了乐透一等奖!”布鲁克是一家公司的中级销售,平时就有買彩票的爱好。现在丈夫出差在外,一大早儿就打来这个报喜电话,让布鲁克太大的心里乐开了花。  挂了电话,布鲁克太太在喜悦中沉浸了一会儿,然后提着包包出去了,一直到傍晚才回家。不一会儿,布鲁克先生也回来了,他一进门,就看见妻子容光焕发,打扮得就如明星一样。见丈夫回来了,布鲁克太大迫不及待地说
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自从母亲去世后,每周我都要和留守在家的父亲通几次话。每次通话,父子之间必有这样的对话:“爹,您肺不好,少抽点烟啊!”“呵呵,那可不行。烟像我的拐棍儿,离不开了。不过,俺会注意的!”  父亲今年71岁,烟龄也有半个世纪了。打我记事起,父亲最享受的事情就是“饭后一枝烟,赛似活神仙”。那时,家里穷,抽不起过滤嘴香烟,父親就把白纸裁成段,把烟叶裹在里面,卷成喇叭状,抽得很香。  我10岁那年春节,父亲给一
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