Layered Curriculum

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  The term “layered curriculum” is a registered trademark since 1998 owned by Dr. Kathie F. Nunley (a). Dr. Nunley is an educational psychologist based in the USA. She says that one of the positive aspects of a “layered curriculum” is its “flexibility”. She has developed a model and in order to implement a Layered Curriculum classroom only three components are needed:
  1) choice—which does not have to be in every learning objective, it could be homework or type of quiz a learner takes.
  2) accountability—making the learner accountable by giving marks/points based on the learning objective. So the learner knows exactly what they are aiming for and what the teacher is looking for.
  3) promoting higher and more complex thinking—this is where the layers come in. All the learners start at the bottom, low order thinking skills and works their way up to high order thinking skills. Each layer needs more complex though processes. The assignments do not have to be complex but the thought processes do. The grading or assessment marking scheme is aligned to the layers or increasingly complex processes.
  Nunley’s method divides an instructional unit into 3 layers, called C, B and A. Each layer corresponds to the three components mentioned above:
  Layer C = wide variety of assignment choices which teach basic facts, skills, vocabulary and techniques.
  Layer B = an assortment of projects and other problem solving activities which enable the learners to show how they have applied the knowledge and skills they have acquired in layer C.
  Layer A = necessitates the learners to“critically analyze” a real world problem which they have come across in their unit of study. The learner works through the layers and the pre-determined assessment criteria aligns to the grade of A, B or C.
  Nunley says that “accountability”is critical to this model of learning as learners will only be awarded marks for evidence of learning and not for completing assignments. The learners have to complete an assignment with an “oral defense”or “small group” discussions for each assignment.
  An example of how the “layered curriculum” translates into the classroom would be (Nunley b):
  Recognize/identify Aa.
  Name the letter a.
  Know the short a sound.
  Rhyme using short a word families.   Decode basic short cvc words.
  Transfer knowledge of short a to journal and other writing.
  Day 1 topic: -at family
  1. Read“The Cat in the Hat”as a class . (c layer)
  2. Generate the -at family word list. (c layer)
  3. Have children record the words on a“Cat in the Hat” paper hat. (c layer)
  Day 2 topic: -an family “Dan the Flying Man” by Joy Cowley
  1. Generate some of the -an family. (c layer)
  2. Have children generate rhyming words with a partner. (B layer)
  3. Make an “-an fan”. (C layer)
  Day 3 topic: -ag family
  1. Generate some of the -an family. (C Layer)
  2. Have children generate rhyming sounds. (A layer)
  3. Make an “-ag flag”. (C Layer)
  Day 4 topic: -short a review
  1. Read The Paper Bag Princess as a class. (C Layer)
  2. Make your own “paper bag princess”and then write short a words on the paper lunch bag. (C Layer)
  Day 5 topic: short a party
  1. Have students bring one or a combination of more than one of the following projects to school.
  -A written list of short a words;
  -Pictures of short a words they have drawn;
  -Short a pictures from a magazine, newspaper...
  -A collection of short a objects found around their house.
  -Use your imagination to make a book or other project showing your knowledge of short a words.
  2. Short a class bingo using Apple Jacks. (C layer)
  C Layer
  1. Complete letter Aa handwriting.
  2. Short a worksheets.
  3. Computer programs.
  B Layer ( Select 2 or 3 activities)
  1. Make a short collage.
  2. Create a different short a word family other than the ones we’ve studied.
  3. Word building using cards or magnetic letters.
  4. Sorting pictures by short vowel sounds.
  A Layer (Select 1 or 2 activities)
  1. Generate/match rhyming words.
  2. Find and correct errors in a short vowel sentence. (Example—The man will pat the cab.)
  3. How many sentences can you generate using short vowel a words?
  The “layered curriculum” model is now nearly 20 years old! It was designed by a high school teacher in the USA. She wanted to find a way to engage the learners in their science classes and help them to understand the aims of a lesson. However, the model is not unique and in ELT (English Language Teaching) similar models were being designed, such as:   1) Second language teaching and learning (Nunan 1998, 1999) which included“task-based language teaching” (TBLT). Nunan had originally coined the approach and written about TBLT in 1989. The approach is using a series of tasks to further the learning aligned to communicative language, learner-centeredness, real-world issues, and negotiated curricula.
  2) The Primary English Teacher’s Guide (Brewster, Ellis and Girard 1992) which identified learning how to learn, selecting materials and self-assessment, amongst other criteria.
  3) Task-based learning (Willis 1996) which defined tasks and a TBL framework, starting with pre-task introduction to topic and task, task cycle with a series of tasks and finally a language focus. The aim is maximize opportunities for learners to put their limited language to “genuine use”.
  4) Bloom’s taxonomy—3 models to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity, being the cognitive, affective and sensory. The cognitive has been the model most used in traditional education and is often used to design curriculum learning objectives, assessments and activities.
  All of the above models and guides are based on the same education theories of Piaget (developmental stages), Vygotsky(zone of proximal development) and Bruner(scaffolding), as well as the classification of learning known as Bloom’s taxonomy, which dominated the 20th Century education systems (UNESCO).
  Surely we should be asking ourselves what learning and skills will be relevant in the 21st Century. UNESCO suggests “…One main learning method that supports the learning of such skills and knowledge is group learning or thematic projects, which involves an inquiry-based collaborative work that addresses real-world issues and questions…”. This sounds like we are going to repeat another cycle of the above!
  The closest the writer has experienced of a model which may fulfil all the requirements needed for a 21st Century education foundation and developing towards an unknown future is in the International Baccalaureate Organisation framework (IBO) which caters for children from the age of 3 to starting a career.
  Bloom’s taxonomy.https://en. 2016-02-29.
  Brewster, J, Ellis, G, Girard, D.1992. The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. UK:Penguin English.
  IBO. programmes/. 2016-02-26.
  Nunley, K. http://www.help4teachers. com/articles.htm. 2016-02-29.
  Nunley, K. http://www.help4teachers. com/phonics1.htm. 2016-02-29.
  Nunan, D.1998.Language Teaching Methodology. UK: Prentice Hall International.
  Nunan, D.1999.Second Language Teaching & Learning. USA:Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  UNESCO. new/en/education/themes/strengtheningeducation-systems/quality-framework/ technical-notes/influential-theories-oflearning/. 2016-02-29.
  Willis, J.1996. A Framework for TaskBased Learning. England:Pearson Education Limited.
指导思想与教学目标  遵循课程标准提出的各项要求,本课在整体设计目标的过程中,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性和持续性。从输入语言和学生语言表达的角度鼓励学生说完整话,同时在注重学生语言学习过程中,启发学生思维,重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。  本课教学目标设定为理解故事大意,预测故事情节,模仿朗读故事和用英语起名字玩游戏。在学生逐步完成既定目标后,也相应地完成了根据上下文、插图关键词预测大意或情节,语音
《英语学习》线上系列讨论的第八期话题围绕着“反思”这个关键词展开。微信群的专家、老师们从理论到实践深入浅出地探讨了“反思”,对“教师反思”的目的、内容、方法、认知以及教师反思可能出现的问题等方面进行了细致的解读,并分享和探讨了教学和培训过程中生动案例,可谓精彩纷呈。我们从中撷取部分内容,分享给广大读者。  反思总论  夏纪梅:反思是教师成长的“催化剂”。美国著名心理学家波斯纳曾提出教师的成长公式是
刘宝胤:大家对自然拼读有了解吗?在课堂上开展了自然拼读教学吗?或者在家里教自己的孩子自然拼读吗?  芦利:我在家教孩子自然拼读,觉得效果很好,于是在教学中也开始开展了。今年是第四年,用的是《外研社丽声拼读故事会》。  王筱玲:2012年9月开始,我们学校在一、二年级使用《瑞格叔叔自然拼读法》,每周两节课(太少),至今四年。到二年级时,接近一半的孩子可以自主阅读简单的英文绘本,比如《外研社丽声拼读故
培养写作技能的阅读教学背景  注重语言学习过程是现代英语教育的核心理念,实践性是语言学习过程的本质特征,写作技能的形成发展离不开写作知识技能在写作教与学过程中的感知、理解、体验、内化、实践和运用,过程取向的写作教学过程是情感、认知、能力的协调发展(陈琦、刘儒德,2009)。读写结合、以读促写是目前写作教学在实践上较为成熟、理论探讨上较多的一种过程写作教学路径,译林版《牛津初中英语》以单元话题为核心
每一个孩子都是一颗花的种子,每一颗种子都有自己特有的花期。有的很快就绽放笑颜,有的默默生长。其实无论快慢,种子总会发芽、开花。作为陪伴孩子成长的我们,又何尝不是这样?  教师之路,也是发芽、开花之路。阳光的滋润、雨水的灌溉、自己努力的生长。每一个步骤都是大自然的恩惠,每一步都是那么值得骄傲!  虽然在小学英语教学领域“摸爬滚打”了这么多年,但甚至距优秀卓越的英语教师还相距甚远。借此机会,回顾自己工
摘 要:词汇是语言学习的重要内容,是语言技能的基础。对于基础薄弱的学生,词汇既是薄弱点也是关键点。本文从了解学生学情入手,以基于标准的教学为理论依据,围绕词汇,进行单元整体教学的规划,提出了教学实施构想。并以阅读课为例,具体说明如何进行词汇教学。  关键词:学情;标准词汇;教学  引言  Wilkins(1972)说:“Without grammar very little can be conv
摘 要:从班级课堂的视角对目前我国中学英语分层教学的现状进行分析,能够发现普遍存在的一些问题,如分层缺乏科学依据、“层”与“层”之间缺乏质的差异、对基础薄弱/学习困难学生关注不够、教师负担过重等。本文基于这些问题,提出开展英语分层教学的四点核心原则,并通过具体案例加以说明。  关键词:中学英语教学;分层教学;班级课堂视角  现状和问题  目前,分层教学已是中学英语教学的热门话题之一。已有不少学校以
教学内容分析  本单元是《英语》(人教版)第五模块第四单元的内容,单元中心话题是“Making the news”, 涉及How to become a good reporter,或者新闻工作者应该具备的素质和新闻采访的基本程序等。本节课讲解的阅读内容My First Work Assignment,语言技能和语言知识主要是围绕“新闻”这一中心话题进行设计的。从课文内容来看,通篇是两个人的对话形
前段时间在培训中遇到一位老师,为了保持健康,每天凌晨5点起床,跑8公里。他连续几年都参加当地的马拉松比赛。这位老师说,马拉松让他意识到:终点线只是一个记号,并没有实际意义,真正重要的是这一路他强健了身体和意志,明白了自己的不足,以后可以有针对性地锻炼。他非常享受跑的过程。  其实,人生亦如此,我们的教与学亦如此。我们每个人都是长跑中的一员。在长跑中,我们都需要哪些能力和素质,才能健康地跑、愉悦地跑
摘 要:阅读教学作为高中英语教学的关键环节和语言输入的重要手段,其质量直接影响着高中英语学习的效果。针对目前高中英语阅读教学大多遵循“P-W-P”模式,在问题设定和学生活动设置方面程式化现象较为普遍的现状,本研究试图从阅读创新角度出发,选择获奖原版小说Missing May进行基于文本的深层挖掘与小组活动相结合的阅读,以探究如何摆脱机械性的阅读模式,使阅读更加真实、自然地发生。  关键词:阅读教学