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自1985年3月《中共中央关于科学技术体制改革的决定》提出“研究所实行所长负责制”以来,截至1988年底,在全省258个县以上属自然科技领域的科研机构中,已有172个单位实行了所长负责制(包括所长任期目标责任制),近一个时期,我们先后以调查问卷、召开所长、书记座谈会、直接到研究所调查了解等多种形式,对我省研究所实行所长负责制的情况,进行了专题调研。调研结果表明:我省研究所实行所长负责制的情况,总的来说是好的,这项改革基本上是成功的。被调查的绝大多数同志认为:所长负责制应当继续坚持实行下去,不断地总结经验,逐步加以完善。但也有少数同志的看法不尽一致,如:有的所长认为,在目前条件下,所长责任太大,一个人担负不起这么大责任,倾向于实行党委集体领导下的所长负责制或所长分工负责制,以党政暂不分开为宜。据调查了解,目前在研究所实行所长负责制 Since March 1985, the “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on the Reform of Science and Technology System” has put forward the “Responsibility System for Director of Institutes”. As of the end of 1988, among the scientific research institutes in natural science and technology in more than 258 counties in the province, 172 units implemented the director responsibility system (including the director responsibility system for the term), the recent period, we have a questionnaire, director, secretary seminar, directly to the Institute to understand and other forms of investigation, to me Provincial Institute of director of responsibility system, conducted a special investigation. The survey results show that: The implementation of the director responsibility system in our province is generally good. The reform has basically been successful. The vast majority of comrades surveyed believe that: The responsibility system of directors should continue to be implemented and continue to summarize experience and gradually improve it. However, there are also a few comrades who differ in their opinions. For example, some directors think that under the current conditions, the director's responsibility is too great, one can not afford such a large responsibility and the executive director system under the collective leadership of the party committee tends to be implemented Or division of labor responsibility system to the party and government temporarily not appropriate. According to the investigation, at present, the director is in charge of the system in the institute
NY/T1640-2008《农业机械分类》由农业部于2008年7月14日发布(农业部第1062号公告),并自发布之日起实施。本刊分两期予以刊登,以飨广大读者。 NY / T1640-2008 Classificati
本文是彼得·布赖恩·梅达R(Peter Brain Medawar)的《科学的极》(TheLimits of Science)一书中的一章。《科学的极限》这本小书就是一例。人们对该书评价道:“荣膺诺贝尔奖
1995年4月3号,第三次全国工业普查全国动员电话会召开。至1985年第二次工业普查后的10年间,中国工业经济总量规模迅速扩大,经济结构和运行机制也发生了很大变化。 April 3,