推动科技兴水 竭诚为水利建设服务 1995年度《江苏水利科技》开始订阅

来源 :江苏水利科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuhuangyun1118
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遵照省水利厅的决定,本刊为适应改革开放的深入和水利建设事业的发展,自1994年起,扩大对市、县、乡各级水利单位的发行量,实行有价订阅;同时增加基层水利建设栏目的篇幅,以适应不同层次读者的需要.这些举措已得到各级水利单位、读者与作者的大力支持和配合,使《江苏水利科技》较好地深入发行到各水利基层单位.这有利于普及水利科技知识,促进科技兴水. In compliance with the decision of the Provincial Department of Water Resources, in order to adapt to the deepening of reform and opening up and the development of water conservancy construction, this journal has expanded the circulation of water conservancy units at municipal, county and township levels since 1994, Water conservancy construction section of the length to meet the needs of readers at different levels These measures have been water-level units at all levels, readers and authors of the strong support and cooperation so that the “Jiangsu Water Science and Technology” better in-depth issue to all water units. It is conducive to popularize science and technology knowledge and promote science and technology.
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