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花炮祖师故乡的上栗县在2004年12月22日这一天迎来一个喜庆的日子,由该县投资3000多万元,占地四十亩,造型别致、雄伟而壮观,座落在319国道和南长省道交汇处的,该县最高楼房的县医院竣工了。11时整,礼炮声、鞭炮声、鼓声、锣声、音乐声此起彼伏,一片欢腾,来自省、市、县的有关领导,江西省人民医院、妇幼保健院、儿童医院、湖南湘 Fireworks founder of the hometown of Shangli on December 22, 2004 usher in a festive day, the county invested 30 million yuan, covering 40 acres, unique shape, majestic and spectacular, is located in 319 State Road and South Provincial Highway Interchange, the county’s tallest building County Hospital was completed. Eleven o’clock, the gunners sound, firecrackers, drums, gongs, music sound one after another, a jubilant, from the provincial, city and county leaders, Jiangxi Provincial People’s Hospital, MCH, Children’s Hospital, Hunan
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在财政部、人事部联合表彰的全国财政系统先进集体名单中,我们发现了财政战线上的一枝新秀——四川省黔江地区财政局。该地区 In the list of advanced collectives in the
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消费税——不应有的误导 岁末之际,大江南北忽然刮起了一股抢购风,从粮油到蔬菜,从副食到电器。人们议论纷纷:听说要征收消费税。 什么是消费税?到底征收多少?向谁征税?很少
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