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血府逐瘀汤出自《医林改错》,为王清任用于治疗“胸中血府血瘀”所致诸证的活血祛瘀、行气止痛之常用方剂,由桃红四物汤合四逆散加桔梗、牛膝而成,主治胸中瘀血阻碍气机兼见肝郁气滞之瘀血证。其主要病理为血瘀胸中而气机不畅。 胸胁为肝经循行之处,瘀血在胸中而气机阻滞,则肝郁不舒,故胸胁刺痛;瘀久化热、气郁化火,则内热烦闷。治当活血化瘀为主,兼以行气解郁。方中,当归、川芎、赤芍、桃仁、红花养血活血祛瘀,为方中之主药;柴胡疏肝解郁、引药上行而直达病所,桔梗开肺气、载药上行,枳壳开胸行气,三药合用则一升一降、恢复气机升降而宽胸;生地滋阴以免伤津耗气,牛膝通利血脉、引药下行,使血活气行、瘀化热消而肝郁亦解。 Xuefuzhuyutang is a commonly used prescription for the treatment of blood stasis and qi stagnation caused by Wang Qingren’s syndromes used in the treatment of “chest blood stasis and blood stasis”. It consists of Taohong Siwu decoction and four inverses. Scattered with Campanulaceae, Achyranthes made, attending the chest stasis blood obstructed qi and see liver stagnation and stagnation of blood stasis. The main pathology is blood stasis in the chest and poor air. Chest threat is the place where the liver passes through, and blood stasis in the chest and qi block, then the liver is not comfortable, so the chest threatening tingling; Qi long heat, Qi stagnation of fire, the heat is bored. The rule is to promote blood circulation and reduce blood stasis, and to qi and qi stagnation. Fangzhong, Angelica, Chuanxiong, Chishao, peach kernel, safflower, nourishing and activating blood stasis, is the main drug in the prescription; Bupleurum scutellariae relieving liver stagnation, referring to drugs rises upwards and direct access to the disease, the balloon has an open lung, and the drug is carried upwards. , The oyster shell opens the chest and qi, the three drugs are combined one liter and one drop, and the qi machine lifts and broadens the chest; the nourishing yin in the raw place avoids the injury of the gas consumption, and the blood circulation of the Achyranthes sibiricum leads the drug downwards, making the blood liveliness and activity. The heat disappeared and the liver qi was resolved.
生长在美国西北部和加拿大西南部的短叶红豆杉(Taxus brevifolia),是一种矮小且生长缓慢的植物。从它的树皮中提取分离出来的一种二萜生物碱类成分——紫杉醇(taxol),是一种
质检办量函[2001]08号各省、自治区、直辖市质量技术监督局 ,国务院有关部门技术监督管理机构 ,各国家专业计量站及有关单位 :《中国计量》杂志是集政策性、新闻性、权威性并重的国家
目的: 检测中央空调系统冷却水的嗜肺军团菌污染状况。方法: 建立了嗜肺军团菌MIP基因DNA的PCR检测方法,并对中央空调冷却水进行了嗜肺军团菌DNA的检测, 同时使用了BYCE培养