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  Abstract: This article aims to explore the value of innovation in the design management and strategy of value innovation mode. The core indicator of the value of innovation is cost reduction and differentiation. Value innovation strategy model provides a new perspective to the managers. By drawing on and analysing the strategic layout diagram, this article provides a systematic analytical framework and research methods for how to develop the strategies of value innovation.
  Key words: Value innovation;Strategy formulation;Strategic layout diagram;Value curve
  CLC: F272.3document code:AArticle ID:
  The principle of design management
  1.1 The contents of the design management
   Early definition of design management can be grouped into two levels. First, the definition based on the designer point of view; second, the definition based on the manager level.
   From the point of view, emphasis on design, the earliest definition of the design management produced since 1966 by British Michael Farry. He believes "design management is a feature that defined the design problem, to find the right designer, and as much as possible to enable designers to solve design problems within the established budget." The tone of these viewpoints is basically built on the "coordinate the work of the designer, design work and product and market policies consistent." From the point of view, emphasis on management, design management is a new product design for a particular enterprise, as well as auxiliary design work done to promote these products supporting the strategic management and planning. It was viewed as a field of study, a management strategy tools, designers and managers of the functional structure of the integration, to achieve organizational goals and create a viable product. [1]
   The differences of these two views stem from different perspectives as well as "design" and "management" the two words 'extension. Has been in concept and do not have a uniform definition of each argument. But in general, in the connotation description process, all is the design for the kernel, design is integrated into the global framework, including the planning, management, strategic layout, publicity coordination, designed to create the differentiated value, and to further meet our customers' material and the spiritual aspirations. With the complexity of market competition, the content of the management level began to highly integrate, product design is no longer a single model of product research and development, but an important strategic component of the enterprise to build its core competitiveness. The new requirements call for the design can not only consider the realization of value in the function and aesthetic, but also to be merged into the global marketing planning promotion strategies of the enterprise. Its core is the value of innovation.
  The principle of design management
  From the perspective of system theory to explain the existence of basis for design management, if the whole process of the design management as an open system, the various elements are not exist in isolation .On the one hand, the integrity of the system determines the presence form and development space of elements, on the other hand, between the elements and the elements, between elements of the system, between the system and the environment influence each other, weigh the suppression. Design and management emphasis on systems analysis, in a variety of conditions, coordinates and deploys the relationship between design elements and elements, in order to realize the optimization of strategic goals. In the management process, to obtain the optimal performance of the design department, enterprises adopt the design department of the business system, organized and institutionalized management. [2]
  2 Characteristics of the design and management
  Design management is usually around the decision-making management, organizational management and project management on several elements, the core is to create a differentiation of value innovation. Ability to achieve value innovation is a key element of business success. We established a perspective, designed as a management tool of view, the rational design of management usually have the following characteristics .[3]
  The clear goal
   The goal here is to refer to the macro-strategic objectives. To do the clear goal, it must be comprehensive monitoring and comprehensive grasp of the design process. The product research and development success or not, is directly reflected in the realization of the target of the expected .Design management is to change the design elements in the chaos of the state before without management, integrated scattered energy, make steps toward the established goal.
  Powers and responsibilities clear
   Powers and Responsibilities clear or not, are mainly reflected in the coordination and optimization between the whole and the parts. Management has made a value judgment of the feasibility of the overall strategic layout, whether the design elements with which the pace of coordination is the key to the strategy can be implemented.
  Program clear
   Once a project established, the first thing to do, is a variety of preparations prior to the implementation of, because the product life cycle time, complete with cost control directly affect the enterprise profit, so fluency and rationality of the design process will directly influence the realization of the target of the management, and to build a reasonable hierarchy, level system with the most effective way communication is very important.
  The value innovation of design management
   The product is the lifeblood of enterprise development, is the comprehensive reflection of enterprise external competitiveness. If the companies can not provide the desired product on the market, or product uncompetitive, the business strategic objectives can only be on paper. Therefore, the implementation of the product strategy is the core of the whole enterprise business activities, all strategic activities in the enterprise should focus on product strategy objectives to expand .[4]
   And around the product innovation competition, is also exceptionally cruel and intense, Products circulating on the market is always your singing the stage, the old and new product value iteration speed increasing shows geometrical base. As a vicious circle, how to get rid of this kind of cruel rigid wars is a press for solution of a serious subject
   The core issue of design management is to create a differentiated value, and with synchronization of the reduced costs. This process is the value of innovation.[5] As shown in figure 1, said here value innovation, which is based on the value of the products for users. The improvement in the value of the use Figure1 the value innovation pattern
  oftraditional products often is a value-based accumulation based on a scale expansion .for example: a competitor's product, the function adds a new selling point, and the company will have to improve the design of similar products, In order to surpass each other in the same selling point. This endless mode of competition, by increasing the design cost for the price, is the use of the product value in quantity of single expanding, and this expanded, often can ignore the actual needs of customers, become simple for overwhelm the competition and to accumulate design value, this kind of value is not the value of the innovation.
   For example the brand management and people-oriented competition strategy, these was beyond question, but if families are focusing on similar operator competition strategy, then all the focus of competition last will fall on the cost of inputs.Competitive strategy formulation need good design, here "design" is generalized, is mainly refers to the overall strategy on design, because to break the conventional model, the more fundamental way out is to create another set with different strategic logic. Product design department, according to the strategic needs of the enterprise to develop and organize the various design activities, from the macro aspects of the development of performance, it is the core requirements of the design management in practice.
   "Value innovation" the existing way, for users, need to gain customer recognition of the value of the product. For developers, it is to successfully solve the cost problem, to achieve cost reductions and product differentiation and uniqueness. The cross section is the value of the innovation.
   So, where is the way out of value innovation? How to value innovation? First of all, to put the "value innovation" and "technology innovation" and "seize the market" to distinguish, the traditional brand management, is to get ahead of competitors on the basis of its own product design chips,to achieve to grab greater market share in the known demand. [6] Because in the same selling point to surpass rivals, it needs to input costs more than the competition, such as the introduction of the new production line, and increase the design and management fees, bring the direct consequence of the cost is rising. For businesses, this is not an ideal state, in essence, is a vicious circle. Market is not infinitely large cake, certainly within the scope of demand is unchanged, the increasing cost of inputs will continue to lower profit margins.
   Different from the traditional view is that we want to explore the value of innovative conditions, neither is whether to have the technical capacity far more than competitors, nor is to have the ideal market opportunities. But only in the enterprise innovation and performance, price and the cost of the organic combination of time, the value of the innovation will occur. The occurrence of the value of this innovative, creating value for customers while reducing costs, thus simultaneously enhance business value and customer value.
  Value innovation mode of strategy
   So how to achieve value innovation in the design and management? This is the focus of this paper is to elaborate. Achieve value innovation indicators, for customers, is to provide consumers with a different value in use; for enterprises, there are two, one is the cost reduction, and the second is the distinctive differences in the product design. To achieve these two targets, it is necessary for companies to make reasonable arrangements focus of the strategy, to change the product design concept, and to rebuild consumers’ value factors. Visualization of this process is to draw the strategic layout.
  4.1 What is a Strategic layout diagram
   The so-called Strategic layout diagram is the current strategy of the enterprise used the rationality of the diagnosis and analysis tools in essence. By plotting the strategic layout figure, can effective understanding the competitive factors in the same industry, and competitive strategy structure and investment, as well as competitor's
   strategic framework and investment priorities.
   As shown in figure 2 shows, the horizontal axis shows sales is market similar products design and the design key of attention enterprise investment factors; the vertical axis of the related factors is said in the condition of high and low cost input.
  Figure 2strategic layout illustrations
  Strategic layout drawing
   Draw a strategic layout, there are several important factors need to beclear.
   First, we must understand the competitive elements of similar products in the industry, That is, what are the selling points of this product;
   Second, we should investigate a competitor's product strategy outline, and understand the key investment strategies of the rival products;
   Third, it is necessary to depict the competitive strategies of their own business, what factors are about to put into a large number of key elements of the cost in product design and promotion. [7]
   Sony's Aibo machine dog with, for example, to explore strategic layout diagram’s drawing.
   Fabien Cousteau $100000 build mechanical sharks(Figure3),Car assembly robot(Figure4), SONY Aibo(Figure5).
   Figure3 mechanical sharks
   Figure4 Car assembly robot
  Figure5 SONY Aibo
   Case 1 SONY Aibo
   The robot used for the usual sense of professional engineering, expensive, only a small number of research institutions and enterprises have the ability and resources to purchase and use, but Sony puts artificial intelligence and robotics together organically, transforms these technologies into products through the design, and brings great economic benefits to the enterprise, but more important is the design of the Sony Aibo successful again as they opened up an unprecedented market.
   Figure6 With Aibo dexterous hand machine dog strategic layout comparison chart
   In figure 6 strategic layout drawing we can see the secret of Sony Aibo's success. Comparison with the usual sense of the robotic products, the Sony Aibo to the relatively low price and powerful entertainment purposes only opened up a new group of users, and realized the lower cost targets by reducing engineering use the amount of research and development costs and materials and manufacturing cost, and the practice of giving up engineering purposes to take the entertainment purposes, make the products win the new market and the use of population. The transfer of strategic elements makes the Aibo realize a two-way leap of customer value and enterprise value.
   Following example, look at the success of Apple's product strategy layout to ipad.
   Case 2 Apple Ipad
   According to the words of the apple, iPad is a fantastic device, but officials have never put the iPad as a tablet computer or handheld computers to sales. To study the iPad, you first need to analyze its user groups, because any one of Apple's products are a strong people and market positioning. Like the iPad hit two functions: First, you can use iwork software, iwork is a similar office of Apple's software can edit the document and other routine. Convenient office who use. The second is the ibook function, it is equivalent to an ebook reader, through the vivid flip form make you feel that you use it, and is actually reading a book.
   The following electronic reader industry, for example, to analyze the the ipad strategic elements constitute.
  Figure 7 conventional electronic reader and the Apple iPad strategic layout comparison chart
   Shown in Figure 7, Apple's Ipad products in the strategic profile, compared with other e-book reader, highlighting the entertainment performance and fashion focus, screen selection abandon the expensive and fragile paper-like screen, increasing office and entertainment features other readers do not have in function, in many of the reader showed the difference of the extraordinary performance. And therefore opened up a new market and captured some of the conventional e-book reader market share.
   From the above two cases, we can see the value innovation process is done by reconstructing the value curve.
  Value curve
   The curve of the so-called value is the point of connection in the product distribution in the strategic layout, and it embodies the value of the buyer and the factor in the process of product design cost investment situation, and individual factors combine to form the overall product strategy formation. When a company's product strategy is developed in order to catch up with rivals, it will lose its uniqueness. If all competitors' products have shown the similar shape of the curve in the strategic layout diagram, then, the industry will form the vicious competition in the accumulation of costs for the winning points. [8]
   And the pursuit of value innovation design management strategy requires the differences of value curve, by removing and reducing unnecessary value factors to reduce operating costs, increasing and strengthening the value which is unique factors to obtain the value of the differentiated.
   Enterprise of new, often comes from the establishment of a new value system. Understand the value curve of products in the strategic layout diagram, you can clearly see the pros and cons of corporate strategy. When the enterprise’s value curve of the products lack of focus and uniqueness is similar to the rival's, it means that has entered the vicious competition of the cost structure of competition with rival. Value curve can't be unique, the corporate strategy is the same, and it is difficult to be outstanding in the market competition environment.
   This relates to the value curve reconstruction, that is to redraw the strategic layout, which means that the overall adjustment in the design of management strategies; At the same time, also involves the risk, enterprise operators can not be simple speculation and judgment to determine the firm's strategic, To the greatest extent possible to avoid risks and achieve the design to maximize the value, enterprises must make reasonable adjustments in accordance with the basic operating characteristics of the product strategy. [9]
  Risk aversion
   The risks of the reconstruction of the strategic planning is self-evident, any time, the risk is with opportunities to exist. Seek value innovation requires the enterprise to break normal form of competition, designed to focus on strategic offset, but this offset positioning is accurate or not is the key whether the products can be success. If you do not accurately locate, it will directly affect the product's consumer groups, make enterprises take unnecessary risks.
   Then in the mode of the value of innovation, how to effectively avoid risks? This requires the enterprise operators can see the potential demand of products. By collecting the greatest demand for new products, reduce the scale of the new market risk.
   To expand the value innovation, business operators should not only pay attention to the maintenance of existing products using the crowd, the more focus on potential customer group. Focus is to make the products’ design direction meet the common needs of the larger groups, rather than focus on the segments of the population .[10] So that you can make the enterprise gain greater customer base, such as Apple's ipad products customer base, already includes the office white-collar workers who like leisure and fashion, also contains the traditional customers who use e-book reader. Virtually extends the industry edge, so that its products are not embarrassed to catch in a fixed range of use population, wins the market to maximize the living space.
  5 conclusion
   Design management is an integrated management method which takes industry operations, product design, marketing planning into a whole. It contains not only related tactics selection and implementation, as well as various design resources’ redistribution and control in the implementation process, also including overall strategic planning. In a number of management strategies, in the design innovation strategy we usually know, marketing innovation strategy, brand innovation strategy and patent innovation strategy outside, there is the value innovation strategy. The core of the value of innovation strategy is to reduce the cost and differentiated design. To realize the innovation of value, it is necessary for industry boundaries to make analysis and reconstruction, beyond the traditional competitive model, and to complete the restructuring of the strategic elements. And use this to define the product's design standards.
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