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洋葱又名圆葱、葱头。因适应性较强,产量高,品质好,耐贮运,食用期长,我国南北方均有种植。张掖地区种植洋葱自然条件优越,在肥力较好的沙质地上种植,一般亩产在3500公斤以上。八十年代以来,年种植面积达万亩,成为蔬菜生产上的拳头产品之一。但过去未进行过洋葱采种偿试,每年需从外省区进种万公斤以上,不仅增加了生产成本,而且因外调种子纯度和质量存在问题较多,造成缺苗断垄,对生产影响较大。为解决生产问题,我们通过两年试验研究,总结出了在我区自然条性下洋葱采种技术。一、种葱头选(?):种葱头的好坏直接影响着种子的产量和质量。要选择生长健壮,无病虫危害的地块作母种田。母种田的葱头在地上部假茎部分开始倒伏时(我区一般在9月下旬)及时采收。种用葱头要严格挑选,以假茎细而充实,葱头大小适中,端正无分球,外皮光滑,色泽纯正,无病虫害无机械伤的作种用。选好的葱头要摊放于半阴半阳,通风干燥处适当倒翻晾晒。 Onions, also known as onion, onion. Due to strong adaptability, high yield, good quality, storage and transportation, long period of consumption, both in northern and southern China are planted. In Zhangye Prefecture, the onions are planted with superior natural conditions and planted on the sandy soil with better fertility. Generally, more than 3,500 kg of mu are produced per mu. Since the eighties, the annual planting area of ​​mu, has become one of the leading products in vegetable production. However, in the past, no attempt was made to plant onions in the past, and thousands of kilograms of vegetables were needed each year from other provinces. This not only increased the production cost but also caused more problems in the purity and quality of the seeds, which caused the lack of seedlings and severely affected the production . In order to solve the problem of production, through two years of experimental research, we summed up the natural species of onion in our area seed mining technology. First, the kinds of onions election (?): The kind of onions directly affect the quality and yield of seeds. To choose a robust growth, pest-free plots for mother farming. The mother of the onion in the aboveground pseudostem part began to fall (my area is generally late in September) timely harvest. Kinds of onion should be strictly selected to pseudostem thin and full, onion size is moderate, correct without points ball, smooth skin, pure color, no pests and diseases without mechanical injury for planting. Selected onions to be spread in half Yin Yang, ventilated and dry place appropriate inversion drying.
鸭源性传染性支气管炎(IBV) ZZ2004株主要引起仔鸡生长障碍和免疫抑制,而消化吸收功能障碍对病鸡的生长发育有明显的影响.为了控讨鸭源性IBVZZ2004株引起仔鸡生长障碍与肠道
技 术 革 新 5701型长途线的改进……………………………………………………·,…·(1)期(l)页 双向期刊装袋机……………………………………………··,…··,…………(二)