
来源 :地下空间与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sally20095
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利用理正深基坑6.0软件和FLAC3D软件对桩锚支护形式下黄土深基坑开挖过程进行了稳定性计算和分析。理正深基坑6.0软件计算结果表明:开挖深度较小时,桩身以承受正弯矩为主,最大水平位移发生在坑壁最上部,随着深度增大,水平位移逐渐减小;开挖深度较大时,桩身上部承受负弯矩,下部承受正弯矩,最大水平位移发生在坑壁中部位置,越往两侧(上部和下部),水平位移越小;随开挖深度增大,桩身最大正弯矩和最小负弯矩绝对值逐渐增大,坑壁最大水平位移也逐渐增大。利用FLAC3D软件计算得到的坑壁水平位移随深度的变化规律与理正深基坑6.0软件得到的规律一致,但量值上要明显偏小。与实际监测结果对比显示,理正深基坑6.0软件计算得到的水平位移值整体偏大,FLAC3D软件计算得到的水平位移整体偏小,而监测结果处于两者之间。 The stability calculation and analysis of the deep foundation pit excavation process under the support of pile and anchor are carried out by using the software of LiZheng Deep Foundation 6.0 and software FLAC3D. The software calculation results of LiZheng deep foundation pit 6.0 show that when the excavation depth is small, the pile body takes the positive bending moment as the main part, and the maximum horizontal displacement occurs at the top of the pit wall. As the depth increases, the horizontal displacement gradually decreases. On When the digging depth is large, the upper part of the pile bear the negative bending moment and the lower part bear the positive bending moment. The maximum horizontal displacement occurs in the middle of the pit wall and the horizontal displacement is smaller as it goes to both sides (upper part and lower part) The absolute values ​​of the maximum positive bending moment and the minimum negative bending moment of pile body gradually increase, and the maximum horizontal displacement of pit wall also gradually increases. The rule of horizontal displacement of pit wall calculated by FLAC3D software with the depth is the same as that obtained from the software of Li Zheng Foundation Pit 6.0, but the value should be obviously smaller. Compared with the actual monitoring results, the horizontal displacement values ​​calculated by the software of LiZheng Deep Foundation 6.0 are generally large, and the horizontal displacements calculated by the FLAC3D software are generally small while the monitoring results are in between.