
来源 :建筑管理现代化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxsdlyq
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推行建设监理制以后,如何正确理解与开展作为承建主体施工企业的现场质量管理工作,在认识上和实践中还存在一些问题。如,有的项目业主把监理简单地理解为监工,片面看重质量监理对工程质量的影响;有的施工队伍片面强调施工自律,不恰当地将所应负的工程质量责任转移到工程监理单位;有的施工企业也因工程监理方的介入,放松或淡化对现场质量管理的组织、领导和协调。反映在具体管理上,施工现场质量保证体系削弱;工序之间不进行质量自检,就直接通知监理人员检查了事;质检员不履行自己的职责,甚至有的成为工程监理方的传声筒。这些都不利于施工企业管理水平的提高,有必要澄清对建设监理的误解。 After the implementation of the construction supervision system, how to correctly understand and carry out the on-site quality management work as the construction main body construction enterprise has some problems in the understanding and practice. For example, some project owners simply understand supervision as supervising engineer and one-sidedly value the impact of quality supervision on project quality. Some construction teams emphasize one-sided construction self-discipline and improperly transfer the responsibility for the quality of the project that should be undertaken to the project supervision unit. Some construction companies also relax or dilute the organization, leadership, and coordination of on-site quality management due to the involvement of engineering supervisors. Reflected in the specific management, the construction site quality assurance system is weakened; the process does not conduct quality self-inspection, directly notify the supervisor to check the matter; quality inspectors do not perform their duties, and some even become the project supervisor’s voice. These are not conducive to the improvement of the management level of construction companies. It is necessary to clarify the misunderstandings of construction supervision.
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For the purpose of understanding the weathering characteristics of surface layers in purple mudstone sloping fields of the Three Gorges Reservoir area of China,
以茂名市一幢枢纽楼为例,介绍地下室开裂渗水的处理。 A hub building in Maoming City, for example, describes the basement cracking water seepage treatment.