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神话精神与科学精神构成生活的两种必须。医生明白不治之症对于人类生命造成的绝对结果,但不妨碍他心怀期待,盼望老天相助使奇迹发生在病人身上;即使是心理学家也不会从心理发生的角度去面对爱情,期待爱情的人依然相信神秘莫测的“缘份”存在。最近儿子酷爱《十万个为什么》,书、磁带、碟片都给他买了,在这最爱中,他又更热衷于自然科学之宇宙部分:星星上有人吗?有外星人吗?月亮上真有嫦娥和玉兔吗?天 Myth and spirit of science constitute the two necessities of life. The doctor understands the absolute result of incurable disease on human life, but does not prevent him from looking forward to the hope that God will make miracles happen to the patient. Even psychologists will not face the love from the psychological point of view. Love people still believe the mysterious “fate ” exists. Recently his son loved “why a hundred thousand”, books, tapes, discs have bought him, in this favorite, he is more keen on the universe of the natural sciences part: some people on the stars do you have aliens? The moon really Chang’e and rabbit? Heaven
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