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情感抒发是舞蹈编排过程当中必不可少的一部分,而交响乐中的情感表达层次是最丰富的,那么在舞蹈的这一部分训练中,我们以情感带动舞蹈思维,在情感的抒发上面,首先采取了模仿手法,将所要模仿的动植物的形象和动律加入自己的情感当中,既要有形象,但不纯形象,起初同学门只是在模仿当中找舞蹈动律,情感的部分并未融入其中,在这一部分的训练当中完全是开发想象力的一个重要过程;除模仿之外,我们又加入了语句的训练,从单个句子当中找到要表达的情感,这个训练重要的是对句子的体会,而不是抠字眼,在对句子体会的过程当中找到适合句子含义的动作感觉,并融入相应的动植物风格形象,深刻的去体会句子的含义。如何去转折?转折点在哪里?这两个问题让我有了新的思考方向,虽然在作业的过程当中转折的并不完美,但这个训练过程确实又进一步开发了想象思路。将一个真实的动作延伸到极致,突破我原有的一些编创风格,达到一种更高的提升,在我看来这就是动作萌芽到动作极致的一种改变和发展,用情感体会发展动作动机,将动作动机深刻发展,达到情感的完全表达。之后便是将句子连接成为完整的一段话,将情感衔接,编出一个完整的舞蹈段落,在这个过程中,我认为最重要的部分是情感的衔接处理,在这个问题上一直处理的比较粗糙,延续性和解释性不强,只有情感变化没有将变化的点做到细腻,总是以一种晴天霹雳的方式达到情绪转换,所以在这方面需要加强,需要在生活的过程当中善于体会魅一个感受的来源和起因。最后的联系是交响音乐曲调层次的肢体表达,形似指挥,但这是将肢体的每一个关节当作是一种乐器去表现整个交响乐当中的主与次,重点突出与复合音色,在舞蹈当中一样也很重要,主要是在多人舞的编排当中。 Emotional expression is an indispensable part of the process of choreography, and the expression level of the symphony is the most abundant. In the training of this part of the dance, we take the emotion to lead the dance mentality. In the expression of emotion, we first take Imitation tactics, will want to imitate the animals and plants to add their own emotions and images, it is necessary to have the image, but impure image, at first the students door just to find dance in imitation of the law, the emotional part did not integrate into them, In this part of the training is completely an important process of developing imagination; in addition to imitation, we have joined the sentence training, to find the emotion to be expressed in a single sentence, the training is important for the experience of the sentence, and Not pull words, in the process of the sentence to find the meaning of the sentence to find the sense of action, and into the corresponding animal and plant style image, a deep understanding of the meaning of the sentence. How to turn the corner? Where are the turning points? These two questions let me have a new way of thinking. Although the turning point in the course of the homework is not perfect, the training process has indeed further developed the imagination. Will be a real action extends to the extreme, breaking some of my original style of creation, to achieve a higher elevation, in my opinion this is the action of sprouting to the extreme action of a change and development, emotional development experience with motivation , The motivation will develop profoundly, reaching the full expression of emotion. After the sentence is connected into a complete passage, the emotional convergence, compiled a complete passage of dance, in the process, I think the most important part is the emotional cohesion processing, has been dealing with this issue is relatively rough , Continuity and explanatory power is not strong, only the emotional changes do not change the point to be delicate, always a bolt from the blue to achieve emotional conversion, so in this area need to be strengthened, you need to be good at life in the process of understanding the charm The source and cause of a feeling. The last link is the body expression of the symphonic music tunes, which is the form of command. But this is to use each joint of the body as a musical instrument to represent the main and the subordinate of the whole symphony, with emphasis on the compound timbre, as in the dance It is also important, mainly in the multiplayer choreography.
领导人的后代们正以一种与以往不同的形象出现在中国的公众传媒中。领导人后代在公众媒体前露面增多,会成为今后的一个趋势,这既反映了中国政治的开放和变化,亦是公 The fut
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