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毛泽东说过:“世间一切事物中,人是第一个可宝贵的, 在共产党领导下,只要有了人,什么人间奇迹也可以造出来”。现代管理的最大特色就是人本管理,即“以人为中心”的管理。它要求一切管理工作均应以调动人的积极性,做好人的工作为根本。坚持人本原则正是社会发展的必然趋 Mao Zedong once said: “In all things in the world, man is the first one to be precious. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, miracles can be made if there are people.” The most prominent feature of modern management is human-based management, that is, “people-centered” management. It requires that all management work should be based on mobilizing people’s enthusiasm and doing a good job of people’s work. It is the inevitable trend of social development to adhere to the principle of humanism
岳阳县杨林乡在双季稻田大面积种植马铃薯,成为淡季蔬菜基地。该乡近几年稻田春马铃薯面积稳定在600公顷~700公顷,占全乡稻田面积的40%左 Yangling Township, Yueyang County
文秘工作者的一个重要职责是撰拟文稿。此项工作不仅仅是字斟句酌地爬格子,而且具有参谋功能。 秘书的参谋职责,古已有之。在服务于领导实现决策科学化的今天,更应呼唤文秘