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目的提高恶性肿瘤早期诊断准确率。方法应用锌原卟啉(Zinc Protoporphyrin,ZPP)淋巴细胞微核、DNA异倍体、T亚群联合测定积分法,对3 031例恶性肿瘤、骨髓增生异常综合征(myelodysplastic sysdrome,MDS)、良性肿瘤、增生和其他疾病及540例正常人进行检测,并用积分法进行分析比较,找出相关性。结果恶性肿瘤积分9.5分,明显高于良性肿瘤以及其他疾病、正常对照组(P<0.01)。MDS积分8分,介于良、恶性肿瘤之间(P<0.01)。良性肿瘤积分4.5分,明显高于其他疾病及正常对照组(P<0.01)。增生积分3.0分,高于其他疾病(P<0.05)。各组都与正常对照组差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。使总诊断符合率由单一法73.4%提高到95.2%,并与治疗、预后、复发、恶化有相关性。结论联合积分法,可预测癌变细胞之前,机体无任何感觉和临床症状,即可监测恶性肿瘤的发生。当积分>2分且<4分时,为增生或非典型增生;当积分>4分且<5分时,为良性肿瘤;当积分>6分且<8分时,提示癌前病变;当积分>8分时,提示恶性实体瘤、白血病。因此,联合积分法能监测恶性肿瘤发生的重要前瞻性诊断指标。 Objective To improve the accuracy of early diagnosis of malignant tumors. Methods A total of 3 031 cases of malignant neoplasm, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), benign prostatic hyperplasia (MDS), benign prostatic hyperplasia Tumor, hyperplasia and other diseases and 540 cases of normal people were tested and analyzed by integration method to find out the correlation. Results The score of malignant tumor was 9.5, which was significantly higher than that of benign tumor and other diseases and normal control group (P <0.01). MDS score 8 points, between benign and malignant tumors (P <0.01). The score of benign tumor was 4.5, which was significantly higher than other diseases and normal control group (P <0.01). The hyperplasia score was 3.0, higher than other diseases (P <0.05). There was significant difference between each group and the normal control group (P <0.01). The overall diagnostic coincidence rate increased from 73.4% of single method to 95.2%, and with the treatment, prognosis, relapse, worsening are related. Conclusions The combined integral method can predict the occurrence of malignant tumors before cancerous cells can be predicted without any sensory and clinical symptoms. When the score> 2 points and <4 points, it is hyperplasia or atypical hyperplasia; when the score> 4 points and <5 points, it is a benign tumor; when the score> 6 points and <8 points, it indicates precancerous lesions; Points> 8 points, suggesting malignant solid tumors, leukemia. Therefore, the joint integration method can monitor important malignant tumor occurrence of prospective diagnostic indicators.
对复合伤烦躁误诊3例分析如下.rn1 病历摘要rn例1:男,24岁.坠落伤伴烦躁3 h就诊.查体:P 112 次/min,R 24 次/min,BP 100/70 mm Hg.意识不清,烦躁不安.左头顶部见3 cm×3 cm×
目的了解绵阳市部分食品中二氧化硫残留情况。方法从绵阳城区及所辖的江油市、北川县、梓潼县、三台县、盐亭县的大型超市、农贸市场等不同地点采集食品样品,按照GB/T 5009.3
目的比较吉非替尼和厄洛替尼治疗非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的疗效和安全性。方法回顾性分析中山大学附属第五医院44例患者的临床资料,均口服吉非替尼250 mg,1次/d或厄洛替尼150 mg
1病历摘要男,52岁。乙肝肝硬化失代偿期并腹水。入院后予以保肝利尿对症处理。在输注硫普罗宁针约5 min时,患者突然出现双侧下颌肿胀不适,并迅速增大至约小鸡蛋大小,并觉气喘
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,OSAS)是一种常见的睡眠呼吸障碍性疾病,在成人发生率为2%~4%,男性多发,由于睡眠中反复发生上气道阻塞而表现为夜
野燕麦是世界性农田恶性杂草,对小麦的生长和产量的影响很大。调查研究表明,野燕麦造成小麦减产一般达到10%—50%,重者达50%以上,因而及时用化学除草剂防除。 Wild oatmeal