
来源 :天津教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wu19851110
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静海县是全国基础教育先进县。县委、县政府对实施九年制义务教育十分重视,以执法的高度,联系实际制订规划,积极采取有力措施组织实施,取得明显效果。一、重视宣传教育,领导机关带头在贯彻义务教育法的一系列工作中,县委、县政府首先抓好对广大干部、群众的宣传教育。执法者先学法。县委、县人大、县政府、县政协等机关及教育部门,集中一周时间,认真学习《中华人民共和国义务教育法》和《天津市实施<中华人民共和国义务教育法>条例》,明确各自的责任、义务。教育部门开办了领导干部培训班,就义务教育的有关问题组织了专题讲座。县委、县政府于 Jinghai County is a national advanced county in basic education. The county party committee and the county government attached great importance to the implementation of nine-year compulsory education. With the height of law enforcement, they worked out practical plans, and actively adopted effective measures to organize and implement them, achieving remarkable results. First, attach importance to publicity and education. Leading agencies take the lead in implementing a series of work in the Compulsory Education Law. The county party committee and the county government first pay attention to the publicity and education of the general cadres and the masses. Law enforcers learn first. County committees, county people’s congresses, county governments, county political consultative conferences and other institutions and education departments have concentrated on one week to earnestly study the “Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Regulations of the Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Implementation of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China,” clarifying their respective responsibilities. ,obligation. The education department organized a training class for leading cadres and organized special lectures on issues related to compulsory education. County Party Committee and County Government
近日,济南市平阴县孝直村利用所建社会主义新农村档案资料,编印了2010年新年挂历。挂历内容主要是宣传介绍孝直村治村理念、新农村建设、表先评 Recently, Xiaonan Village,
我们对初一公民课教法、学法、考法进行了如下尝试: 一、教法。我们在初一学生中通过问卷调查,听取对下列三种教法的意见:(一)老师讲,学生听,老师写,学生记:(二)老师布置预
为进一步创新企业监管模式,搞好服务企业工作,河南省孟州市档案局先后投入四万余元,聘请计算机软件专 In order to further innovate the enterprise supervision mode and