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黄河主槽疏浚试验的目的在于探索在黄河河道中利用挖泥船疏浚主槽的可能性及疏浚效果,探索船只定位、移动技术以及安全可靠性。根据试验船的工作特点、疏浚河道对机械性能要求,提出适合黄河河道水沙运行特点的挖泥船船型设计、改进、建造参数,为今后大规模实施疏浚黄河河道工作奠定基础。1 疏浚试验方案根据试验总体要求和目的,结合船的工作性能 The main purpose of Yellow River dredging test is to explore the possibility of using dredging dredgers in the Yellow River channel to dredge the main channel and dredging effect to explore the ship positioning, mobile technology and safety and reliability. According to the characteristics of the experimental vessel and the mechanical performance requirements of the dredged riverbed, the design, improvement and construction parameters of the dredger ship suitable for the runoff and sediment movement of the Yellow River are proposed to lay the foundation for the large-scale dredging of the Yellow River. 1 dredging test program based on the overall test requirements and purposes, combined with the working performance of the ship
山东省枣庄市山亭区深山里的女农电工李金英的事迹 ,我早有耳闻 ,2 0 0 3年 2月 2 8日一早 ,我冒着纷纷细雨 ,专程去拜访她。“她也算得上是一个女强人 ,不论是抄表收费、抢
The Wanbaogou Group-complex is a suit of mélange aggregation of the Eastern Kunlun orogenic belt, which is divided into two parts, i.e. the exotic blocks and t
基斯洛古布潮汐电站运行30a  В.Д.诺沃热宁1~6页潮汐发电是生态洁净和最经济的再生能源。统计和分析了世界上已建的和拟建的潮汐电站。详细介绍了基斯洛古布潮汐电站的设计、施工
1 概述大陈闸为北汝河栏河闸,安装8m×10m直升式平面钢闸门12扇。1982~1983年进行了除锈油漆保护,由于采取了较合理的技术措施,达到了理想效果,使用15年仍基本完好。1997年上
长江三角洲经济一体化的时代已经来临。文章通过对长三角一体化的基础条件、瓶颈制约等问题的分析 ,提出了进一步推进长三角经济一体化的战略构想 :即推进长三角要素市场一体
In order to further reveal the interrelation among division of seismic statistical regions, delimitation of potential seismic sources and estimation of seismici