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无论哪种品牌的油烟机,使用久了都会在两个“吸风口”换气扇页上等处沾满油污。不仅影响清洁美观,而且也会降低吸油排气的功效。但在日常生活中,因一般家庭主妇不懂拆洗方法或嫌拆洗麻烦而无可奈何,日积月累使油烟机污垢满面,成了家庭厨房中的卫生“死角”。日前,一位亲友来家小叙,无意中,老伴与之谈起油烟清洗、除油污的难题。事有凑巧,她竟有不拆、不卸而清除油污的简法,授之老伴一试,果然不费吹灰之力,将油烟机清洗一新。现介绍如下,一定能使你感到方便易行。1、取一可乐或雪碧塑料空瓶,在盖上用缝衣针戮上10多个小孔(不宜过大),然后装进适量的洗洁剂加满温热水(冷水无用)摇匀, No matter what brand of hood, the use of a long time will be in the two “suction ” fan page waiting area full of oil. Not only affect the clean appearance, but also reduce the effectiveness of suction exhaust. However, in daily life, because ordinary housewives do not know how to disassemble and disassemble or dismantle troubles and helplessly, the fume hood has become overwhelmed by the accumulation of time and has become a sanitation “dead corner ” in the family kitchen. A few days ago, a relative and friend came home Syria, inadvertently, his wife talked about the fumes cleaning, in addition to oil problems. Coincidentally, she actually did not dismantle, do not dump and remove oil simple method, granted his wife a try, and sure enough effortless, the hood clean. Now introduced as follows, will certainly make you feel convenient. 1, take a Coke or Sprite plastic empty bottles, stitched on the lid with more than 10 holes on the needle (not too large), then loaded into the amount of detergent filled with warm water (cold water useless) Shake well ,
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作为勾芡用的淀粉原料,应具有淀粉糊的热黏度高,热黏度稳定性好、透明度高、胶凝强度大等特点,才能满足菜肴与勾芡的要求。 常用的勾芡淀粉有绿豆粉、土豆粉、玉米粉、红薯粉等,
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在美国,黑色素瘤是癌症的第六大成因,美国癌症协会称每年约有7.6万人出现黑色素瘤。  研究人员在6年时间里跟踪了6.9万人,发现566人出现黑色素瘤。其中5.9万跟踪对象从不服用维生素A,他们中有506例产生黑色素瘤;而长期规律服用了10年维生素A的5800人中,只有28例,患病几率大幅下降。  主持研究的皮肤病学家阿斯加里进一步指出,维A的保护作用对女性更明显,可能因为女性皮肤更易于被日光中的紫