
来源 :国外医学.泌尿系统分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong494
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15例慢性前列腺炎患者病程1~40年,平均12年,长期用药物治疗,包括复方新诺明和/或羧苄青霉素,均未治愈,作者用氟哌酸治疗这15位患者,每次服400mg,一日二次,共服28天为一疗程,根据病人症状,前列腺液化验及细菌培养作为判断疗效的标准,15例用药前培养都有细菌生长,13例为大肠杆菌,2例为绿脓杆菌,服氟哌酸后只有2例轻度恶心,不影响继续服药完成疗程,所有细菌对氟哌酸均敏感,治疗期间尿和前列腺液培养均转为阴性,1例1个月后失访,其余14例随访半年以上,9例(64%)痊愈,其中6例尿和前列腺液培养持续阴性达2年者1例,1年者2例,半年者3例,3例结束疗程后发生泌尿系感染,分别在6天,560天和820天,细菌培养与原来从前列腺液中培养出来的 15 patients with chronic prostatitis duration of 1 to 40 years, an average of 12 years, long-term drug treatment, including cotrimoxazole and / or carbenicillin, were not cured, the authors of norfloxacin treatment of these 15 patients, each service 400mg twice a day for a total of 28 days for a course of treatment, according to the patient’s symptoms, prostate fluid tests and bacterial culture as a criterion to determine the efficacy of 15 cases of bacterial growth before treatment, 13 cases of Escherichia coli, 2 cases Pseudomonas aeruginosa, after taking norfloxacin only 2 cases of mild nausea, does not affect the continued medication to complete the course of treatment, all the bacteria were sensitive to norfloxacin during the treatment of urine and prostatic fluid culture were turned negative, 1 case 1 month later The remaining 14 cases were followed up for more than half a year and 9 cases (64%) were cured. Among them, 6 cases of urinary and prostatic fluid culture continued negative for 2 years in 1 case, 1 case in 2 cases, 6 months in 3 cases and 3 cases in the end After urinary tract infection, respectively, at 6 days, 560 days and 820 days, bacterial culture and the original from the prostatic fluid culture out
一、临床资料1.一般资料:CRF(慢性肾衰)病人共14例,其中男10例,女4例。年龄15~62岁。慢性肾炎9例,慢性肾盂肾炎3例,肾小动脉硬化2例,病人均为尿毒症期住院治疗。 First, the
忆叙三十年来作者与周遭女学者的情谊,概述她们的学术和教学(以红学为主)之业绩,表达作者的敬意和怀念,并可作为史料留存,以供学人参考。 Recalling the relationship betwe
报道3例下腔静脉后输尿管患者,临床主要表现为上尿路梗阻症状,诊断主要依据IVU 和输尿管逆行造影,显示右输尿管向正中线移位至L_(3~4)处,形成镰刀或“S”形畸形。本文结合文献
陆士谔的《新三国》是晚清翻新小说代表作之一。本文围绕其写作宗旨,分析了《新三国》的“翻新”之道,从而对翻新小说及整个晚清小说有了若干新的认识。 Lu Shifang’s “Ne