Optimization Design of Two-Stage Operational Amplifier with Frequency Compensation via Geometric Pro

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:new_spider
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An optimization design technique to obtain global solution for a two-stage operational amplifier(op-amp) with frequency compensation is presented.This frequency compensation technique can adjust the equivalent resistance to guarantee that the phase margin is stable even though circumstance temperature varies.Geometric programming is used to optimize the component values and transistor dimensions.It is used in this analog integrated circuit design to calculate these parameters automatically.This globally optimal amplifier obtains minimum power while other specifications are fulfilled. An optimization design technique to obtain global solution for a two-stage operational amplifier (op-amp) with frequency compensation is presented. This frequency compensation technique can adjust the equivalent resistance to guarantee that the phase margin is stable even though circumstance temperature varies. Geometric programming is used to optimize the component values ​​and transistor dimensions. It is used in this analog integrated circuit design to calculate these parameters automatically. This global optimal amplifier of power while other specifications are fulfilled.
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故事发生在意大利南部一个叫姜卡尔多的小镇。  这是个古老的小镇,古老的建筑,古老的大钟,马车从砖路上哒哒走过。大家手里提着桶排着长长的队,等候接水。镇上的人们终年生活在小镇上,一代,又一代……坐落在小镇中心广场的电影院是大家唯一娱乐消遣的去处。  多多是意大利导演托纳多雷的影片《天堂电影院》中那个古灵精怪的小男孩。  他的父亲在外参战已经好几年没有音讯了。妈妈独自带着多多还有尚在襁褓中的妹妹生活在