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为了诠释多年来很多人和组织在践行“安全第一”方针中出现的言行不一行为,更好处理安全与生产之间出现的矛盾,提高企业安全生产水平,本文运用历史唯物主义和逻辑思维方法,考证了“安全第一”的由来及特征,分析了人和组织的多种需求与行为、安全的属性和矛盾及其协同方法等问题。研究得出:当年提出的“安全第一”带有一定的政治运动色彩和时代特征,在工业化初期和事故高发时期,强调“安全第一”的思想发挥了重要的作用;“安全第一”不是具体的工作方法,而是一种选择、原则、意愿或理念,不能机械地理解和执行“安全第一”;“安全第一”不是从科学层面提出的,而是从实践经验得来的,在生产中不可避免地会与实际工作发生冲突;人和组织同时都有多种多样的需求和行为,个人或组织可以根据安全的状态和各种需求的紧迫性采取相对合理的优先行为;“安全第一”很难用标准尺度来衡量,在实际工作中需要科学灵活地处理安全与生产的对立统一关系,克服片面性,“+安全”思维是践行“安全第一”的最好途径和做法。 In order to explain the inconsistency between many people and organizations over the years in implementing the principle of “safety first”, to better deal with the contradiction between safety and production and to improve the level of enterprise safety in production, this article uses historical materialism And logical thinking method, the origin and characteristics of “safety first ” are studied, and the various needs and behaviors of people and organizations, the properties and contradictions of security and the methods of coordination are analyzed. The study shows that the “safety first” put forward in the current year carries with it a certain political movement color and the characteristics of the times and has played an important role in emphasizing the idea of ​​“safety first” in the early stages of industrialization and in the accident-prone period. “Safety First” is not a specific working method, but a choice, principle, intention or idea that can not be mechanically understood and implemented. “Safety First” and “Safety First” are not proposed from the scientific level , But from practical experience, and will inevitably conflict with actual work in production. People and organizations also have a variety of needs and behaviors at the same time. Individuals or organizations may, depending on the state of safety and various needs “Safety first ” is difficult to measure with the standard scale, in practical work need to be scientifically and flexibly to deal with the unity of opposites of safety and production, to overcome the one-sidedness, “+ safety ”Thinking is the best way to practice“ safety first ”.
<正> 自94年美国出现首例最大的“黑客”经济犯罪案以来,“黑客”问题就成为信息网络的“定时炸弹”,令网络用户特别是系统用户提心吊胆,惶惶不可终日。前几年,上海发生的“
为解决弯扭耦合复合材料薄壁叶片的发散不稳定问题,阐述了风力机叶片准稳态响应及基于回路传输恢复的LQG(LQG with Loop Transfer Recovery,LLTR)理论控制过程。叶片结构模型是