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金川保健啤酒高科技股份有限公司(原金川保健啤酒厂)始建于1982年,创始人为公司现任董事长赵焕然。2002年,原金川保健啤酒总厂及鄂尔多斯羊绒集团等公司共同发起组建成立了现在的金川保健啤酒高科技股份有限公司。公司在赵焕然的带领下,坚持走“科技创新,保健为民”的道路,使企业得到了快速发展,生产能力由建厂初期的年产5000吨发展到了现在的年生产15万吨以上;总资产由筹建时的180余万元增加到现在的1.2亿元,无形资产达6.8亿元,居中国最有价值酒类品牌第32位。公司啤酒销量年平均递增15.4%,年上缴税金连年居临河区工业企业首位,累计为国家上缴税金达3.4亿多元,连续15年保持盈利,为地区经济的发展作出了应有的贡献。 Jinchuan Health Beer High-tech Co., Ltd. (former Jinchuan Health Brewery) was founded in 1982, the founder of the company’s current chairman Zhao Huan Ran. In 2002, the original Jinchuan Health Beer Factory and Erdos Cashmere Group co-sponsored the establishment of the establishment of the current Jinchuan Health Beer high-tech Co., Ltd.. Under the leadership of Zhao Huanran, the company sticked to the path of “science and technology innovation and health care for the people”, enabling the enterprises to develop rapidly. The production capacity has been expanded from an annual output of 5,000 tons at the initial stage of construction to the current annual production of 150,000 tons ; The total assets increased from 1.8 million yuan at the time of preparation to 120 million yuan now, and the intangible assets amounted to 680 million yuan, ranking the 32nd in China’s most valuable liquor brand. The sales volume of beer increased by 15.4% annually on average, with the annual tax payment ranking the first in Linhe District. The total amount of tax paid by the state reached more than 340 million yuan, maintaining profits for 15 consecutive years and making due contributions to the development of regional economy.
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215系列5mm×20mm陶瓷体、延时型管状保险丝,能够在有限的空间内实现高熔断容量。此新款保险丝可以为高达250VAC的供电提供15A、16A、20A和25A的额定电流。在故障条件下, 21