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同志们:今天我们在此召开局系统财务会计工作会议,出席面如此广泛,从分管领导到会计、出纳,还有其它相关处室的领导同志,在局里还是第一次。召开这样一个专门的财会工作会议,是为了更好地贯彻执行国务院、水利部对财会工作的指示,总结“八五”以来的工作经验,找出差距,明确“九五”工作方向,形成上下各级领导和财会人员重视财会工作,做好财会工作,发挥财会工作和财会人员的作用,为水利经济的腾飞聚财有道、理财有方、用财有效。今年是“九五”计划的第二年,自“八五”以来,经济体制的改革正向着纵深发 Comrades: Today we are here for the first time to hold a meeting of the Bureau of Financial and Accounting Work System of the State Council to attend such a wide range of leading comrades from charge leaders to accountants, cashiers and other relevant departments and offices. The convening of such a special meeting of the finance and accounting work is to better implement the instructions of the State Council and the Ministry of Water Resources on the work of accounting and accounting, sum up the work experience since the “1985”, identify the gaps and clarify the work of the “1995” Direction, the formation of upper and lower levels of leadership at all levels and accounting staff attach importance to the work of accounting, good accounting work, give play to the financial work and the role of accounting personnel for the water conservancy economy takeoff and enrichment have access to financial management, financial effective. This year marks the second year of the “1995” plan. Since the “1985”, the reform of the economic system has been going forward
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A new type of ammine palladium(Ⅱ) chloride was prepared by evaporating the solution of [Pd(NH3)]4Cl2 at room temperature. Its crystal structure was refined fro
本文在高温高压条件下研究了具有热力学亚稳定性的全硅ZSM-5沸石分子筛的相转变。结果表明,压力对沸石分子筛的结构具有显著的影响。在4.0 GPa的冷压条件下,首次发现了全硅ZS