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全国各生物制品研究所和生物制品检定所的所长,最近在北京举行了一次座谈会,根据人民公社化和生产大跃进的形势,确定了大力提高生物制品的数量和质量,以进一步为生产建设和人民健康服务。会议在吸取1958年大跃进经验的基础上,指出了今后生物制品工作部门必须进一步加强党的领导,继续发挥羣众干劲,以敢想敢干与科学分析相结合的精神,来进行生物制品的研究和生产,加强制品的检定工作,力争1959年更大、更好、更全面的跃进。会议确定了1959年生物制品工作的奋斗目标,指出今年生物制品工作的任务是繁重的,今后生物制品的科学研究应当首先解决当前制品工作中的问题,把它们排队列入研究项目,并且不断研究新制品、加强理论性的研究, National Institute of Biological Products and Biological Products, recently held a forum in Beijing, according to the People’s Commune and the Great Leap Forward situation, determined to vigorously improve the quantity and quality of biological products to further the production Construction and people’s health services. On the basis of drawing on the experience of the Great Leap Forward of 1958, the meeting pointed out that in the future, the biological work departments must further strengthen the leadership of the party, continue to give play to their enthusiasm, and dare to think in the spirit of combining scientific analysis with biological work Research and production, strengthen the verification of products, and strive for a bigger, better and more comprehensive leap forward in 1959. The meeting set the goal of the work on biological products in 1959 and pointed out that the task of biological products work is heavy this year. In the future, the scientific research of biological products should first solve the problems in the work of current products, put them in line for research projects, New products, strengthen theoretical research,
《上海采风》2006年第1期第15页有这样一句话:“现在的未庄和早一些时候的圆明园艺术村,在那里糜集的独立艺术家……”其中的“糜集”,显然是“麇集”之误。 There is such
目前,建立“党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与”的社会管理格局,已是加强社会建设和管理,推进社会管理体制创新的当务之急,事关构建和谐社会的大局。 At present, th
芒果苷是芒果 Mangigera indica L.标准提取物 Vimang 中的主要酚类成分。芒果花水提取物具有抗溃疡作用,芒果苷与该提取物的抗溃疡作用是 Mangiferin is the main phenoli
Objective To study the optimum extraction and separation process of total flavonoids in the flowers of Flos Puerariae and its antioxidative activity.Methods The
根据 T 淋巴细胞及 B 淋巴细胞膜的特性,以往采用玫瑰花结形成或免疫荧光染色等方法区别二者。但这些技术方法较复杂,影响因素大。自1975年 Mueller 首次从动物试验发现一种