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中国新闻网消息,台湾作家张晓风前不久做客广州南国书香节读者分享会时称,作品改编进教科书应该尊重作者意愿,张晓风是华文世界的散文大家,其作品《行道树》、《敬畏生命》和《只因为年轻啊》等入选中小学教科书。张晓风称,自己的文章多次被选入大陆和台湾的教科书,但是许多改编未征求作者意见也未付稿费,部分删改之处令她感到不被尊重。她特别指出被选入人民教育出版社初一语文课 China News Network News, Taiwanese writer Zhang Xiaofeng recently told a Guangzhou Nanguo Book Festival readers’ meeting that the adaptation of his works into textbooks should respect the wishes of the author. Zhang Xiaofeng is a prose writer in the Chinese language world, and his works “The Street Tree”, “Reverence to Life” and “ Just because of youth, etc. entered the selected primary school textbook. Zhang Xiaofeng said that his own article was repeatedly selected into the textbooks of the mainland and Taiwan. However, many adaptations did not seek the author’s opinion and did not pay royalties. Some of the changes made her feel that she was not respected. She specifically pointed out that she was selected into the first language class of the People’s Education Press.
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(一)念奴娇·中秋步野眖景  浊鲸激荡,  洋流水、叱咤乾坤人物。  蹈绝东夷身负志:  中华儿郎俊逸。  秋水茫茫,  霜露冽冽,  零落幽咽雨。  郊寒岛瘦,  衣带消得渐悴。  旧时吹箫紫烟,  怨憎不得,  殇殁益无辍。  缺月风寒,漏断间,  繁花萧然残落。  悲发丛生,  古今寄忆,  不才多见弃。  匹夫皓首,  众里阑珊未悔。  (二)渔歌子·伊人离别无回首  绿满山川强看山,  
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