
来源 :湖北教育(综合资讯) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanshuyao
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2011年暑假,来自嘉鱼的张静从蒲圻师范学校幼师专业毕业后,没有回家乡,而是留在了赤壁,因为经过严格的笔试和面试,她和另外29名幼师专业毕业生一起,被赤壁市教育局招录为具有事业编制的幼师。8月底,张静来到刚刚改建好的蒲圻办事处中心幼儿园,立刻就被这所设备齐全、充满童真童趣的崭新幼儿园深深吸引了。事后张静才慢慢了解到,这次改变自己命运的招考,发生在赤壁市大手笔发展学前教育的大背景下。据赤壁市教育局分管负责人介绍,2011年,赤壁市委、市政府投入资金1600万元,新建4所、改扩建11 In the summer of 2011, Zhang Jing from Jiayu did not go back to her hometown after graduating from Puqian Normal School, but stayed in Chibi because of rigorous written tests and interviews. She and 29 other kindergarten graduates Together, was recruited by the Chibi City Board of Education as a kindergarten teacher with a career. At the end of August, Zhang Jing came to the recently rebuilt Puchuang Office Central Kindergarten and was instantly attracted to this well-equipped, childlike and innocent new kindergarten. After Zhang Jing was slowly learned that this time to change their fate of enrollment occurred in the chibi city generous development pre-school education background. According to the person in charge of Chibi City Board of Education introduced in 2011, Chibi municipal government invested 16 million yuan, the new 4, expansion 11
目的:探讨微颗粒(microparticles,MP)在异基因造血干细胞移植(allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation,allo-HSCT)过程中的改变及其临床意义,寻找移植后血栓性
目的:观察粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)动员的人外周血中CD34+造血干细胞(HSC)在免疫缺陷NPGTM(NOD.Cg-PrkdcscidII2rgtml vst/vst)小鼠模型上造血重建的水平.方法:用免疫磁珠
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