Perspectives on Cohesion and the Choice of Its Method

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  Abstract:Cohesion is an indispensable part in creating and analyzing discourses,however,it is greatly different from coherence. In this paper,brief introduction of cohesion and the relationship between cohesion and coherence as well as their differences are firstly discussed. Then,some specific discussions about the choice of what type of cohesion method should be employed are mentioned.
  Key Words:Cohesion;Coherence;Method
  1. Introduction of Cohesion
  Cohesion,a semantic concept,refers to the semantic connections between linguistic components in a discourse. It exists when the interpretation of one linguistic component is dependent on another. According to Halliday and Hasan(1964),cohesion can be divided into two kinds,grammatical cohesion as well as lexical cohesion.
  2. Differences and relations between cohesion and coherence
  Sometimes,it is very common for people to confuse cohesion with coherence. Coherence is usually a prerequisite for the unity of discourses. Some linguists argue that cohesion is only superficial structure of discourses,which can be realized by forms of vocabulary and grammar. While coherence relates to deep meanings of those discourses,which is presented in semantic and functional relations between sentences and utterances. And Halliday and Hasan(1976)once said,discourses themselves are coherent in contexts,thus they are cohesion as well.
  From my perspective,cohesion and coherence are independent,though they may influence each other to some extent,but they are not necessities for one another. And cohesion of a discourse does not always tend to be a coherent one and vice versa,as exemplified in the following case in which it is a discourse filled with cohesion but not coherent:
  (1). I bought a Ford. The car in which President Wilson rode down the Chaps Elysees was black. Black English has been widely discussed. The discussions between the presidents ended last week.
  And this is an example of a discourse with coherence but not cohesion:
  (2). A:Will you go to the party the day after tomorrow?
  B:My kids need to see a dentist.
  From this example,the fact that words may serve no need for us to understand what others is talking about can be found. Even though there does not exist cohesion,we also know what is going on here.
  3. Discussions about the Choice of Cohesion Methods
  As we all know,there are several methods to choose when cohesion is needed,such as reference,ellipsis,conjunction and so on. Efforts used to deal with discourses and cognitive effects the discourses want to achieve both are factors that need to take into consideration. And the best choice of cohesion method is based on the smallest efforts and the biggest cognitive effects. As for how to choose a suitable method to deliver specific messages under varied circumstances,there are four tips I’d like to talk about.   3. Pronouns
  In the first place,if the discourse does not plan to achieve particular effect,the cohesion method of delivering the least message should be taken. Thus,pronouns are employed. For example:
  (1). A tutor came to my house yesterday. She teaches well.
  (2). A tutor came to my house yesterday. The beautiful woman teaches well.
  In the above-mentioned examples,“she” has no extra meaning to express in the first one,it is just anaphoric;In the second discourse,“the beautiful woman” has delivered additional meaning to readers,that is,the tutor is a beautiful woman.
  3. Ellipsis
  Sometimes,it is more economical for the ellipsis of similar words and phrases and for the use of substitution words,and less efforts will be used in managing messages,as exemplified in the following examples:
  (1). A:Oh you didn’t have to make a special trip for that,Mother.
  B:I didn’t(make a special trip for that).
  3. Repetition
  Under another circumstance,the more dependent the back clause is on the front clause,there will be more lexical repetitions. The most suitable choice of cohesion method helps people’s understanding towards the discourse,consequently,ambiguity can be effectively avoided. Examples like:
  (1). U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone Tuesday,their first such conversation since Russia condemned a U.S. military attack against Syria last month. The two leaders discussed the civil war in Syria and the escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula.
  In this example,the back underlined part is based on the former underlined part to complete the referent messages.
  3. Conjunction
  Besides,in addition to those,there is another situation where the relation between the front and back clause is kind of abnormal and obscure. And the employment of logic conjunctions is of vital significance,with which the true meaning of the discourse can be understood by readers. For examples:
  (1). He is my boyfriend.(But)he has been dating another girl these days.
  People carry their own expectations when reading discourses like that. Without but in the second clause,they may feel frustrated after getting the message of the first clause. However,if there is a but,people will have the idea of a turning point and the following facts will not shock or upset them.
  4. Conclusion
  In conclusion,cohesion have been commonly used in discourses. It has distinctive characteristics from coherence as well as relations with them. People need to acknowledge all kinds of cohesion methods to choose the most suitable one in order to get a better understanding of those discourses.
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  [2]Halliday,M. A. K. & Hasan,R. Cohesion in English[M]. London:Longman. 1976
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摘 要:在长期的语文教学实践中,我认为阅读教学是教学的重点,而在阅读教学中培养学生的写作能力,提高学生的写作水平是教学的难点。教师要在小学语文阅读教学中不断提高自身素质,加强低年级学生的说话训练,指导学生写作,激发学生写作的兴趣,不断提高学生的写作水平。  关键词:阅读;说话;写作;训练;实践  在实施素质教育的今天,教师要在小学语文阅读教学中培养学生的写作能力,调动学生阅读和写作的积极性。多年以
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摘 要:本数学案例设计力求体现以学生为本,以能力发展为本,以自主学习为本的教学理念。充分利用多媒体教学手段,动态演示主题图等教学内容,使数学学习动态化,趣味化。遵循学生年龄特点和认知规律,引导学生自主探究口算方法,优化出最简捷的口算方法。让学生学会做题,更要学会思考,提高学生计算能力。  关键词:多媒体;口算方法;动态化;趣味化  教学内容:人教版四年级数学上册第三单元口算乘法45——46页  教
摘 要:如何有效地做好小学和初中英语教学的衔接,既促进学生发展又提高教师自身水平,是初一教学的一个很重要的环节。本文从学生方面、教师方面、教材方面分析初一学生英语学习困难的原因并探讨了采取的六个措施:调整心态,与时俱进;由浅入深,循序渐进;前引后连,过渡前进;培养能力,突飞猛进;学法指导,科学引进;激发兴趣,树立自信。  关键词:小学初中英语;教学衔接  一、原因浅析  1.学生方面  由于小学生
西藏自治区实现普及九年义务教育并通过国家的验收以来,教育的发展已步入了另一个时代,义务教育均衡发展成为了西藏义务教育工作的战略性任务,普及九年义务教育解决了“有学上”之后,逐步解决“上好学”的一项重大民生工程。义务教育均衡发展也是缩小校际差距、地市差距和城乡差距,提高教学质量的本质要求。  義务教育均衡发展的基本内涵就是,办好每一所学校,教好每一个学生。党和国家很早就提出了“优化教育结构,促进义务
摘 要:小学时期是学生进入学习的初始阶段,班主任应该根据学生自身的特点,制定科学、合理的管理策略。不仅要关注学生的身心健康,还应该帮助他们树立一个正确的人生观念,构建一个良好的学习氛围。本文从四个方面分析了小学班主任在班级中的管理措施,以期为小学教育者管理提供参考。  关键词:小学班主任;班级管理;管理措施  小学生在每一个方面,都有着非常强的塑造性,所以这对班主任的管理方式,也有着非常严格的要求
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