专练十二 完形填空(二)

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  The old man shuffled slowly into the restaurant. With head tilted (倾斜), and shoulders bent forward, he___1___ his trusty cane(手杖) with each unhurried step. His___2___cloth jacket, patched trousers and worn out shoes made him___3___from the usual Saturday morning breakfast crowd.
  A young waitress named Mary___4___him shuffle toward a table by the window and ran over to him. She said, “Here, Sir. Let me give you a(n)___5___with that chair.”
   Without saying a word, he smiled and nodded a thank you. She pulled the chair away from the table.___6___him with one arm, she helped him get___7___seated. Then she leaned his cane___8___the table where he could___9___ it.
   In a soft, clear voice he said, “Thank you for your kind___10___, Miss.”
   “You’re welcome, Sir.” She___11___. “And my name is Mary. I’ll be back___12___, and if you need anything___13___in the mean time, just wave at me!”
   After he had finished a(n)___14___ meal, Mary brought him the change from his ticket. He left it on the table. She helped him up from his chair, and out from behind the table. She___15___him his cane, walked with him to the front door, and said, “Come back and see us, Sir!” He turned with his whole body, winked a smile, and nodded___16___.
  When Mary went to clean his table, under his plate she found a business card, and a note scribbled on a napkin,___17___, “Dear Mary, I respect you very much, and you respect yourself too. It shows by the way you treat others. You have found the 18 of happiness. Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.”
   The man___19 to be the right owner of the restaurant where she worked.___20, this was the first time that she or any of his employees had ever seen him in person.
  1. A. bent over B. depended on
  C. hold onto___ D. leaned on
  2. A. expensive B. clear
  C. shabby D. cheap
  3. A. stand up B. stand out C. drop out D. take apart
  4. A. looked B. minded
  C. watched D. attended
  5. A. help B.favor C. hand D. assistance
  6. A. Controlling B. Helping
  C. Steadying D. Holding
  7. A. comfortably B. easily C. quickly D. slowly
  8. A. beside B. against
  C. near D. on
  9. A. stretch B. fetch
  C. approach D. reach
  10. A. sign B. behavior
  C. help D. gestures
  11. A. replied B. reacted C. added D. told
  12. A. in time B. in a moment
  C. at times D. in advance
  13. A. at all B. in all
  C. after all D. above all
  14. A. healthy B. satisfied C. hearty D. attractive
  15. A. sent B handed.
  C. delivered D. transferred
  16. A. a thank you B. an understanding C. an approval D. his head
  17. A. written B. said
  C. showing D. reading
  18. A. secret B. key C. solution D. clue
  19. A. appeared B. happened C. occurred D. turned
  20. A. Frankly B. Fortunately C. Generally D. Actually
  A man and his girlfriend were married. All of their friends came to see the lovely 1 and everyone could___2___that the love they had for each other was true.
  A few months later, the wife came to the husband with a(n) 3___, “I read in magazine about how we can___4___our marriage,” she offered. “Each of us will write a list of the things that we find a bit___5___with the other person. Then, we can talk about how we can___6___them together and___7___our lives happier.”
   The husband___8___, so each of them went to a___9___room in the house and thought of the things that annoyed them for the rest of the day and wrote down what they___10 .
   The next morning, they decided that they would go___11___their lists.
   “I’ll start,” offered the wife. She took out her list. It had many___12___on it. Enough to fill three ages, in fact. As she started reading the list of the little annoyances, she noticed___13___starting to appear in her husband’s eyes.
   “What’s wrong?” she asked, “Nothing,” the husband replied, “keep reading your list.” The wife continued to read___14___she had read all three pages. She neatly___15___her list on the table and folded her hands over the top of it. “Now, you read your list,” She said happily.
   16___the husband started, “I don’t have anything on my list. I think that you are___17___the way that you are. I don’t want you to___18___anything for me.”
  The wife, touched by the depth of his love for her and his___19___of her, turned her head and wept.
  ___ In life, we have a wonderful world full of beauty, brightness and hope. Why waste time 20___the bad, disappointing or annoying when we can look around us, and why not see the wonderful things before us?
  1. A. ceremony B. conference
  C. reception D. congratulation
  2. A. predict B. notice
  C. find D. tell
  3. A. intention B. scheme
  C. proposal D. advice
  4. A. test B. increase
  C. advance D. strengthen
  5. A. satisfying B. annoying
  C. interesting D. funny
  6. A. fix B. discuss C. arrange D. study
  7. A. leave B. have
  C. make D. let
  8. A. declined B. received
  C. adapted D. agreed
  9. A. quiet B. separate
  C. small D. living
  10. A. rose B. arose
  C. thought over D. came up with
  11 A. over B. for
  C. about D. with
  12. A. items B. objects
  C. categories D. targets
  13. A. smile B. tears
  C. cheers D. misery
  14. A. after B. when
  C. unless D. until
  15. A. fixed B. lied
  C. placed D. located
  16. A. Quickly B. Quietly
  C. Slowly D. Sadly
  17. A. perfect B. right C. accurate D. smart
  18. A. devote B. change C. provide D. do
  19. A. refusal B. approval C. understanding D. acceptance
  20. A. preparing for B. longing for C. looking for D. waiting for
1. Sophia________________ (不可能在办公室) now. I just saw her teaching English at the classroom. (work)  2. If it were not for the fact that she   ________ (不会唱歌), I would invite her to the party
1. They seemed________________ (正在争论) the price when I went in. (argue)  2. I hear Jane has gone to the Holy Island for her holiday. But I don’t know________ (她什么时候离开的). (leave)  3. Don’t touch
A  A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: “I am blind, please help.” There were only a few coins in the hat.  A man was walking by. He took a
1. To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions________ (曾用过这些产品的人). (whoever)  2. Scientists have many theories about________ (宇宙是如何形成的). (come)  3. She is very dear t
1. John thinks________ (不久之后) he is ready for his new job. (be)  2. The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day    (除非被……陪) an adu
1. We________ (没走多远) we found that we took the wrong road. (walk)  2. It was not the criticize but the way he criticized me________________ (让我生气). (make)  3. My parents want me to study comput
1. A few years ago it began to register migrant workers, allowing them, in theory at least, to_________ healthcare.   A. affectB. access  C. adjustD. appeal   2. As you know, we launched three model
Have you ever wondered how a turtle (乌龟) got its shell? You’re not the only one. Paleontologists (古生物学家) have long been confused by the question. But a recently found turtle fossil (化石), the oldest on
1. The road conditions there turned out to be very good,__________ (这是) we could expect. (more)  2. We went through a period__________   (在这段期间通讯很难) in the rural areas. (communication)  3.
1. Little__________ (Rose关心)about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself. (care)   2. I have always been wondering__________   (是什么) determines a person’s fate. (it)   3. Ne