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农副产品市场是统一的社会主义市场体系中的一个重要组成部分。十一届三中全会以后,农村商品经济发展,农副产品市场随之出现壮大、活跃的趋势。首先,取消了对农副产品的统派购制度,除了粮油等少数商品还实行部分合同定购、城镇居民继续实行粮油平价定量供应外,其他商品已基本放开。其次,初步凋理了价者、经格的关系。实行国家定价、指导价格和生产营者自主定价三种形式相结合的价格管理 The agricultural and sideline products market is an important part of a unified socialist market system. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, the rural commodity economy developed, and the market for agricultural and sideline products grew and became active. First of all, the system of unified purchase of agricultural and sideline products was abolished. In addition to grain and oil and other few commodities, partial contract purchases were also carried out, and urban residents continued to implement quantitative supply of grain and oil parity. Other commodities were basically released. Second, the relationship between the price and the warlord is withdrawn. Implementing price management combining three forms of national pricing, guidance price, and manufacturer’s independent pricing
Part Ⅲ Vocabulary (20 minutes)Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Choose
中共十一届三中全会以来,常州市对商品流通体制和商业管理体制进行了一系列的改革,包括商业、粮食、供销部门在内的商业体制改革的内容主要有: 一、在继续发展国营商业和供
Vienna,the capital of Austria,2 million inhabitants,is situated on the banks of the Danube.It is one of the best-known cities in Europe and has a prominent plac
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