解放思想 科学发展 敢于崛起 善于跨越——省委书记苏荣在省委十二届四次全会上的重要讲话精彩观点摘登

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2007年12月28日—29日,中共江西省委十二届四次全会在南昌召开。全会审议了《中共江西省委常委会2007年工作报告》和《省委、省政府关于转变经济发展方式,促进经济集约发展的若干意见》。省委书记苏荣在全会上作了重要讲话。讲话共三部分:一、切实保持工作的连续性和政策的稳定性。要求特别注意把握和坚持“五个有机统一”。二、牢牢把握党的十七大和中央经济工作会议提出的重要思想观点。要求把握好八个方面的重要思想观点。三、进一步加强领导班子和干部队伍建设。讲话高屋建瓴,总揽全局,充满了深情,充满了思辨,充满了加快发展的紧迫感。本刊摘登苏荣重要讲话的精彩观点,供广大干部群众学习。 From December 28 to 29, 2007, the 4th Plenary Session of the 12th CPC Central Committee of Jiangxi Province was held in Nanchang. The plenary session examined the 2007 Report of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial CPC Committee and the Opinions of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government on Changing the Mode of Economic Development and Promoting Intensive Economic Development. Provincial Party Secretary Su Rong made an important speech at the plenary session. Speech consists of three parts: First, effectively maintain the continuity of work and policy stability. Requires special attention to grasp and adhere to “five organic unity ”. Second, we must firmly grasp the important ideas and views put forward by the 17th National Congress of the CPC and the Central Economic Work Conference. Demands a good grasp of the eight important points of view. Third, to further strengthen the leadership and cadre building. With a high-spirited speech and a sweeping view of the overall situation, it is full of affection, full of speculation and full of the sense of urgency for speeding up development. This magazine excerpts Su Rong's brilliant point of view for the majority of cadres and the masses to learn.
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