七十年代以来,农桐间作做为林业生产中的一种形式进入我县。为摸清农桐间作在我县是否适宜,经济效益如何。我们对本县杜城营村六年来的经济效益做了一些调查,现报告如下: 一、基本情况 杜城营村位于我县东部,北纬36°21′,东径114°34′。平均年降雨量565.7毫米,年平均气温13.2℃,极端最高气温41.9℃,极端最
Since the seventies, Intercropping with Agrimony came into our county as a form of forestry production. In order to find out whether Intercropping Nongtong in my county is appropriate, how the economic benefits. We conducted some surveys on the economic benefits of Duchengying Village in this county for the past six years. The current report is as follows: I. Basic Situation Duchengying Village is located in the eastern part of our county at 36 ° 21 ’north and 114 ° 34’ east longitude. The average annual rainfall of 565.7 mm, the annual average temperature of 13.2 ℃, the extreme maximum temperature of 41.9 ℃, the extreme