
来源 :西安外国语大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cracezhangxh
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作为2007年诺贝尔文学奖的桂冠作家,多丽斯·莱辛以其敏锐的笔触、深邃的思想和细腻的人文关怀享誉现当代世界文坛。诺贝尔文学奖在颁奖致辞时给予她高度的评价:“她以怀疑主义、激情和想像力审视一个分裂的文明,她登上了这方面女性体验的史诗巅峰。”在莱辛的文学作品中,对于女性生命体验的关注和书写体现她对于人类情感、道德伦理、两性关系以及人类生存现状的深入洞见与剖析。《屋顶丽人》刻画了三个屋顶建筑工人与一个晒日光浴女子在两性权力关系中的性别冲突与危机。根据福柯的权力话语理论,三个工人对晒日光浴女子的男性凝视,象征着父权制度下的规训惩罚权力,物化女性的身体。被凝视的对象——晒日光浴的女子以漠然的态度应对三个工人的骚扰与挑衅,拒绝内化父权制的社会规约对女性身体的约束和控制。伴随着具有表现力和抗争性的身体语言策略,她的沉默既体现了父权制语言符号系统对女性话语的压制,又以无声的反抗巧妙瓦解了三个工人的话语霸权在父权制语言符号系统的主导统治地位,从而以三个工人的尴尬离场为标志,象征女性以身体话语为武器的无声反抗最终转变女性在两性权力关系中的被动他者地位。 As a laureate writer in the 2007 Nobel Prize for Literature, Doris Lessing is renowned in modern and contemporary literary world for her keen brushwork, deep thought and delicate humanistic concern. The Nobel Prize for Literature gave her a high rating in her speech: “She examines a divided civilization with skepticism, passion and imagination, and has boarded the epic peak of this feminine experience.” " , The concern and writing about the experience of female life embodies her insight and analysis of human emotions, morality and ethics, gender relations and the status quo of human existence. The Beauty in The Roof depicts the gender conflict and crisis in the relationship between the sexes of three roof builders and a sunbathing woman. According to Foucault’s Theory of Power Discourse, the three workers stare at the male sunbathing women, symbolizing the power of discipline and punishment under the patriarchal system and materializing the female body. The staring object - the sunbathing woman dealt with the harassment and provocation of the three workers indifferently, and rejected the restraint and control of the female body by the social statute that internalized the patriarchal system. With her expressive and defensive body language strategy, her silence reflected the suppression of female discourse by patriarchal linguistic signs and the ingenious collapse of the three workers’ discourse hegemony in the dominance of patriarchy linguistic signs Dominating the country and marking the embarrassing departure of the three workers. The silent protest, symbolizing that women are using body language as a weapon, eventually changed the passive status of the female in the relationship between the sexes.
1 临床资料我科1995年至今共收治重型颅脑损伤患者81例,并发应激性溃疡31(男19,女12)例,占38%,年龄4~58(平均31)岁. 其中脑挫裂伤3例,硬脑膜外血肿17例,硬脑膜下血肿9例,颅内