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  傍晚时分,我们来到丛林深处的森林屋——Refugio Amazonas。在大片大片油油的绿色、高高的巴西榛果树之间,搭建着我们住的房子。热带雨林异常潮湿所以衣服上都蒙着一层水汽,望着床边雾中的巨大芭蕉林就觉得好像生活在阿凡达的世界。这个森林屋远离城市,每天只有4个小时的供电时间,只能在供电时间段用一个无线网信号跟外界交流。挑空大堂非常宽敞,星星点点的煤油灯通向远处的房间,就像丛林中的皇宫。房间完全开放,没有门没有锁,一边用白色帷幔与走廊隔开,另外一边是茂密的热带雨林,晚上伴着鸟虫青蛙声入睡,扇着蒲扇,仿佛回到了从前躺在竹床上的光景。
  加西亚 Garcia
  秘鲁旅程导游 Peruvian Tour Guide
  Welcome to Peru, a country with ancient civilizations, beautiful sceneries, and cities piled up perfectly with rocks. You will have a most beautiful experience here.
  The Seventh Civilization — Peru
  The more than 30-hour-flight from Beijing to Lima has taken me across time and space to the other end of the world where generations of civilizations and tales of aliens abound. Lima, the capital of Peru, is a coastal city thrived in the valleys. South American plants, Spain style buildings, a chaotic city buzz, and welcoming Peruvians on our way from the airport to the old downtown of Lima is already telling of its unique charm. Against the discouraging glare of our guide, Garcia, the five of us cramped into a taxi and hit the road. We had our share of local food on street stands, tasted the disgusting ginseng tea that is said to be good for the male function, and hastened to the Monastery of San Francisco to revere at the 70,000 bodies buried inside.   On the second day, we started to appreciate why Garcia tried to stop us. She had hoped to tell us to save energy, as we had to travel to our destination by the Inca Trail on foot through the rainforest. We took a flight from Lima to the Amazon before we start the treacherous hike. One can easily get lost in the mysterious South American rainforest, and we had to rely solely on Garcia’s judgement. She may be young, but her knowledge and experience of the forest makes it reassuring to follow her steps.
  By dawn, we arrived at our forest lodge, the Refugio Amazonas, among the green and tall Brazil hazel trees. The humid air had left a veil of evaporation on our clothes and the huge banana trees seemed to have brought us to the world of Avatar. Far away from the city, the lodge is supplied with power only 4 hours a day, the only time we could communicate with the outside world with a wifi signal. Through the spacious lobby, lined-up kerosene lamps lead to rooms to the far end. It is a palace in the forest. The rooms have no doors and locks, but a white curtain that separates the inside from the corridor. On the other side of the room is the profuse plantations of the Amazon forest. We dozed off to the chirps of birds and croaks of frogs as our memories drift back to the days when there was no electricity and everyone slept on bamboo beds outside the house to keep cool in summer.
  Probably because the air was so refreshing, nobody suffered from morning laziness the next day. We were excited about the trip to the legendary ancient civilization of Machu Picchu. We had some quick photos with the alpacas before departing for the ancient Inca city without realizing the significance of our following journey.
  We purchased one last necessity—coca leaves. According to Inca tradition, Garcia and the six of us paid tribute to the Mother of Land for the Incas—Pachamama—with coca leaves. We had a group photo, and then started the journey with our porter, Maria.
  As we walked up the mountain trail, Maria stopped every now and then for us to catch up, making me wonder where does her strength come from with her slender body. We encountered an English girl on the way who had to pause every few steps to gather strength. The girl, named Sophie, came to Peru with two friends. She decided to took the Inca Trail with the support of a porter while her two friends chose to take a train to Machu Picchu. When Sophie showed signs of regret, Garcia turned to her, “You know, most people would regret after one hour on the Inca trail, but when they finish the whole trail, they would say it is the rightest decision they have ever made.” With our encouragement, Sophie joined us on the pilgrim.   We stopped every now and then in the following three days, taking glucose pills and coca leaves to gather energy. We came to realize that the point of a pilgrim is not sightseeing, but a quest of your heart. We were exhausted on the last day, but we all woke up early with an anticipation to finally see the ancient city. We had another pleasant surprise when our porter miraculous produced some fresh eggs and made us omelet. It was so touching. Finally, after all the hardship, we arrived at the ancient altar by the sacred sun dial and paid our respect to a city that was once lost in history, with a heart as pious as the Incas in their heyday. According to legend, it is from here that the seventh human civilization originated.
  When we depart for Cusco by helicopter, Garcia bid us farewell with an earnest look, “Next time you come, you can walk from Machu Picchu to Cusco, so you could match the Incas.”
享受着酒店的客房服务,甚至是24小时私人管家,却可以找到家的归属感,这便是酒店服务式公寓的存在意义,一个家外之家。  对于那些经常在其它城市待一阵的商务人士,酒店式公寓不是个陌生概念。简单地说,它就是配备全套家具、拥有厨房、洗衣设施这些居家元素的酒店套间。对于在某座城市暂居一段时间的人,酒店式公寓能提供舒适的家庭生活方式,但比起家,它又具有酒店的便利。因为门外就有随叫随到的私人管家,每天你无须为打
金汇通航携AW139与AW109SP亮相珠海航展  11月11日~16日,上海金汇通用航空有限责任公司携手中美洲际直升机投资(上海)有限公司及福建正阳通用航空机场发展有限公司参加了2014年第10届中国国际航空航天博览会。此次参展,金汇通航带来了来自意大利阿古斯特维斯特兰公司的AW139和AW109SP直升机。据悉,参加航展前夕,金汇通航刚刚与藏格钾肥签下了两架AW139直升机的代管协议,标志着金
空中游览一座城市,带来的不仅是居高临下、鸟瞰全景的感觉,更像拥有了俯瞰全世界的一种自由心态。“独乐乐不如众乐乐”,林孝波“妄想”带领更多的人体会这种感受。  在巨大的轰鸣声中,4架直升机载着5对星爸萌娃从虹口机场起飞,向着连山坪的原始森林飞去。直升机的使用不仅极大地节约了拍摄时间,“做游戏选飞机”的环节更成了《爸爸去哪儿2》第四站都江堰一集里最大的亮点。  为了节目的顺利拍摄,林孝波的西林凤腾通用
除了抵税、广告价值等收益,作为营运工具,公务机为企业创收的方式其实很简单:企业在其公务机使用间隙的闲置阶段,将它租赁给有资质的运营公司开展包机经营。这能为企业带来不菲的租金收益,一旦企业与运营公司配合够默契,公务机不仅不会让企业烧钱,它还能为企业创收。  中型公务机的成本优势  显而易见,飞机越大,企业购买它、使用它的成本就越高。从使用成本的角度来看,大型公务机与中、轻型公务机的差别非常大。企业在
由《私人飞机》杂志联合中美欧亚航空及环天航空专机队与保乐力加集团共同举行的“巅峰盛宴 王者邂逅”晚宴活动于10月29日在北京马奈草地俱乐部1863西餐厅举行。  数十位来自投资、健康、航空、酒店等行业的民营企业家及高管在这个极富艺术气息的私密会所,领略国内领先豪华舒适的公务机服务,品鉴来自马爹利尚选干邑的醇厚。  企业家们作为站在经济发展潮头的时代骄子,为开展工作需要频繁地穿梭于世界各地,公务机—
法国被称为奶酪之国,在那里,奶酪不仅仅是一种食物,甚至还代表一种哲学:“拥有奶酪,就等于拥有了幸福。”法国人会告诫自己的子女当心那些不喜欢酒、松露、奶酪和音乐的人,因为那是没有品位的象征。  除了甜品,法国奶酪在世界上也极负盛誉。在法国走进一家奶酪店,你不要惊异于眼前的景象,因为有人说过:“一年有多少天,法国就有多少种奶酪”。据说戴高乐曾说过:“管理一个生产365种奶酪的国家真是难上加难。”事实上
2014年10月31日,《私人飞机》杂志迎来了创刊三周年庆典,来自行业内的众多领导、著名企业家、专家学者以及诸多社会名流见证了这一时刻。创刊三年来,在向众多高端读者普及私人飞机这一“时间机器”知识和行业信息的同时,《私人飞机》也在为高端消费领域倡导着积极、健康、有趣的生活方式。在未来,《私人飞机》依然将是行业的领先者,是高端读者生活方式的倡导者。  2014年10月31日,北京,《私人飞机》杂志于
在美国,轻型运动类飞机一般可以分为3类。第一类是普通轻型运动飞机,例如Aeronca、Ercoupe、Luscomber、Piper Cub、Taylorcraft等制造商旗下的许多飞机。这类飞机最大的特点是,它们可以根据飞机玩家的喜好自行改装,就像玩家改装自己的汽车一样。对于那些追求个性的玩家,这些飞机能让他们体验到不同的飞行快感。  第二类是特殊轻型运动飞机。这类飞机不允许飞机所有人自行改装,
作为全球直升机著名品牌意大利阿古斯特维斯特兰(下称“阿维”)直升机在中国的指定经销商,中美洲际直升机投资(上海)有限公司(下称“中美洲际”)历时近一年与阿维合作在全国推出的盛大演示飞行活动,震撼了业界。  中美洲际董事长兼总经理赵焰女士在珠海航展期间接受本刊专访时总结说:“演飞活动的巨大成功,让原来专注于政府客户的的阿维对中国的商用和私人市场有了全新的认识,阿维品牌由大家熟知的警航用机实现华丽转身
滑翔伞,是一项需要人和自然互动的运动。伞衣徐徐展开,在空中慢慢升腾起来,此时飞行客穿梭在气流里,随着风,他们越飞越远,离天空越来越近。  上世纪70年代,欧洲一些爱冒险的登山者从山上乘降落伞滑翔而下,体验到了其中乐趣,从而创立了这个新兴的航空体育项目。最初的滑翔伞爱好者使用的,是更接近飞机降落伞的翼形方伞,它下降速度较快,御风滑行的体验较弱。随着这项运动的发展,现在的滑翔伞最多可以飞行17个小时,