如果把市场比作茫茫大海的话,那么,企业就是乘风破浪的小舟。无疑,搏击风浪的掌舵人便是企业的领导者。在企业生存与发展的历史和现实中,我们已经十分清楚地观察到,企业的前途、命运乃至职工的切身利益等,都同企业的领导者有着紧密的关系。在当前深化企业改革中,选配好企业领导者,这是企业的一件重中之重的大事。 并非所有的厂长、经理都是企业家。法国经济学家赛伊认为,把经济资源从生产率较低、产量较小的领域转到生产率较高、产量更大的领域的人
If the market compared to the vast expanse of the sea, then, the business is the wind and waves of the boat. Doubtlessly, the culprit is the corporate leader. In the history and reality of the existence and development of enterprises, we have clearly observed that the future, destiny and even the immediate interests of the employees are closely related to the leaders of the enterprises. In the current deepening of enterprise reform, the matching of business leaders, this is one of the most important business events. Not all directors and managers are entrepreneurs. The French economist Saei believes that moving people from economically less productive areas to more productive ones