Enhancement of second harmonic generation in LiNbO_3 crystals with polysynthetic domains

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The largest non-linear optical coefficient in LiNbO_3 is d_(33)(about 7.5 times largerthan d_(31)which is the coefficient ordinarily used)which can not be phase-matched.Dur-ing Czochralski growth,doping with about 1% of yttrium,and intentionally makingthe rotation axis noncoincident with the symmetry axis of the temperature field,so cry-stals with pronounced striae are grown,then cooling through Curie point,LiNbO_3 crystalswith periodic ferro-electric domains in alternate signs are obtained.Growth axis isalong a-axis which is perpendicular to the polar axis of crystals.In genera l_P,the widthof the positive domains and l_n,those of negative domains,are unequal,however by adjus-ting rotation periods and pulling rates,so that l_p+l_n~2l_c may be achieved(l_c is the The largest non-linear optical coefficient in LiNbO_3 is d_ (33) (about 7.5 times largerthan d_ (31) which is the coefficient ordinarily used) which can not be phase-matched. Dur ing ing Czochralski growth, doping with about 1% of yttrium, and intentionally making the rotation axis noncoincident with the symmetry axis of the temperature field, so cry-stals with pronounced striae are grown, then cooling through Curie point, LiNbO_3 crystals with periodic ferro-electric domains in alternate signs are obtained. Growth axis isalong a -axis which is perpendicular to the polar axis of crystals. In genera l_P, the width of the positive domains and l_n, those of negative domains, are unequal, but by adjus-ting rotation periods and pulling rates, so that l_p + l_n ~ 2l_c may be achieved (l_c is the
1.1998年10月10日,湖南省郴州市发生一起强奸杀人焚尸案,死者系该市某宾馆高级女领班黄美清。警方发现死者与湘南烟草集团公司董事长黄大康关系非同一般。 1.On October 10
目的为了预防和降低下睑袋整形术后睑退缩和睑外翻等并发症的发生。方法我们自1991年以来,采用睑板提紧术(The tarsal tuck procedure)的方法。结果可以拉紧及稳定下睑,取得了预期的效果。结论大多数睑袋(除原发性睑袋外)发生的病理解剖基础是下睑支持结构的退行性变,致下睑及外眦松弛下移,这是造成术后睑退缩和睑外翻的基本潜伏因素。通过临床实践,我们认为睑板提紧术是针对这一病理改变所进
于一九七六年十月公布的7。760型机大大提高了西门子7·000系统的功能,其中央处理机的处理功能在典型的商业用途方面是这个计算机系列至今最大的机器的将近一倍。 The 7.76