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一些农药特别是新药,开始防虫效果很好但慢慢效果越来越差,甚至无效果。于是,不少农民就埋怨是假农药。其实却不然,主要是因害虫对农药产生了适应性,即抗药性。那么害虫抗药性是怎样形成的呢?应采取什么对策才能减轻或避免呢? 一、害虫抗药性的形成 1.自然抗性这是因为某种农药对害虫的生理不产生影响,无杀伤效果所致的一种抗性。 2.获得抗性这是害虫对某种农药长期使用反复刺激和自身“筛 Some pesticides, especially new drugs, have good pest control effects, but their effects are getting worse or even worse. As a result, many farmers complain about fake pesticides. In fact, it is not the case, mainly due to pests on the pesticide has become adaptable, that is, resistance. So what is the formation of pest resistance? What measures should be taken to reduce or avoid it? First, the formation of pest resistance 1. Natural resistance This is because some pesticides on the pest physiology does not have an impact, no killing effect A resistance caused by. 2. Obtained resistance This is the long-term use of pesticides on pests and repeated stimulation of their own ”sieve
Nanjing Traditional Music Ensemble has long dreamed of performing in Vienna’s Golden Hall. Now the dream has come true. The whole troupe felt so exciting that
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这里有Joni Mitchell写的信,有趣的是,执笔的不完全是她,有Herbie Hancock,有Wayne Shorter,有DaveHolland,有Vinnle Colaiuta,有Lionel Loueke,也有Norah Jones、Tina Turne
本届 MusicRadio 中国 TOP 排行榜颁奖礼颁出了四十多个奖项,获奖歌手一年的努力在此刻得到了认可。明日之后,已成往事!获奖代表的是去年的成绩。那么现在呢?这些获奖的艺人,
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雪花跳胡旋舞的时候,我们的耳朵早已被大街小巷里年年如是的音乐充斥了,那可是比圣诞的铃铛和新年的钟声更先一步到达的序曲,虽然重复着,但喜悦都是一样的,重复又何妨?! Whe