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在黔、滇、桂三省结合部的黔西南,自古是多民族生活交往、文化融合的地方,今有300多万各族人民聚居。在黔西南生活的各民族中,除汉族外,以布依族、苗族人数最多。因此,1982年,黔西南建立民族自治州时,被命名为布依族苗族自治州。州首府兴义,旧称黄草坝,缘于兴义这片土地,从前盛产大名叫“石斛”俗称“黄草”的野生药用植物,少说已有数百年历史,因而早年得名黄草坝。当年,明代大旅行家徐霞客游历至此,也对兴义的山形山势惊叹了,驻足观景,大加赞赏曰:“天下山峰何其多,唯有此处峰成林!”能让游遍天下的高人徐霞客上眼的地方风景自然是不错,可谓峻山峭岭,惟妙惟肖,万峰成林,雄奇险秀。如今,没有了漫山遍野的黄草。那是20世纪全球、当然也有全中国大肆破坏生态的遗症,这也捎带边远得藏在深闺的兴义,受害受连累,出现石漠化。这个绿色奇缺的城市,却很奇怪地在老城边有个叫绿叶沟的地名,这可是个叫着凉爽感觉很滋润的名儿。20年前笔者首次听说后就追名去观景,却遗憾并非满沟遍地绿,也多是光秃秃的山石黄土裸露。绿叶沟没绿叶小事一桩,重要的是不能让它闲着。这里是办企业建厂的好地方:一是离城近,在城郊可供工厂企业落脚处,就数这儿紧挨城区,步行也就三四十分钟路程;二是正开始改革开放那几年,这儿土地好圈好转用途,价格也便宜。顺着这思想的解放,兴义市把绿叶沟辟为办企业办厂的地方。于是寂静千万年的绿叶沟沸腾起来。让我们静下心来,聆听一个皓首音乐家和他的员工们,在绿叶沟里创业的故事吧! In the southwest of Guizhou Province, where the three provinces of Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi join together, it has been a place where people of many ethnic groups live for ever and make a cultural integration since ancient times. Today, more than 3 million people of all nationalities live in compact settlements. Among the ethnic groups living in southwestern Guizhou, most of the ethnic groups in Buyi and Miao ethnic groups are Han Chinese. Therefore, in 1982, Qianxinan established a national autonomous prefecture when it was named the Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture. The state capital Xingyi, formerly known as the yellow grass dam, due to the land of Xingyi, formerly abounds in wild named “Dendrobium”, “commonly known as ” yellow grass “of wild medicinal plants, less said that centuries of history, so early Yellow grass dam. At that time, Xu Xiake, a great traveler in the Ming Dynasty traveled to this point, and also exclaimed the Yamagata Mountain in Xingyi City. He stopped and admired the saying: ”How many peaks in the world are there? Xu Xiake all over the world where the upper eyelid view of the scenery is naturally good, can be described as steep mountain cliffs, vivid, Wanfeng Cheng Lin, Xiong Qi dangerous show. Today, there is no yellow grass everywhere. It is the 20th century, of course, there are also all the ravages of ecological destruction in China, which also piggybacked in the boudoir Xingyi, victimized by the accumulation of rocky desertification. This green city is very strange, but very strange in the old city has a place called green leaf ditch, this is called a cool feeling very moist children. 20 years ago, I heard the first time after the chase to see the scene, but regret is not full of green everywhere, but also mostly naked bare rock loess. Green leaves no green leaves a trivial, it is important not to let it idle. Here is a good place to do business to build factories: First, from the city near the suburbs for factories and enterprises to settle down, the number of here close to the city, walking thirty or forty minutes away; the second is that years of reform and opening up, The land here is a good turn for the better, with cheap prices. Along the emancipation of this idea, Xingyi City, the green leaves ditch open as a place to run enterprises to set up factories. So quiet ten million years green leaf ditch boiling up. Let us calm down and listen to the story of a Haosou musician and his staff who started a business in Green Leaf Gully!
历史的画面定格在远方,仿佛又奔腾到眼前。那是83年前,一位热血青年南下投身黄埔军校。弹指一挥间,31年后,他成了人民共和国的元帅。   如今,我们缅怀这位伟大军事家——徐向前,他叱咤风云的传奇经历已彪炳青史;他运筹帷幄,非凡的雄才大略与指挥艺术已铸就丰功伟业;他不屈不挠,为真理执著追求的伟大品格堪称楷模。      广州起义响惊雷      “以血洒花,以校为家,卧薪尝胆,努力建设中华”。1924