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第一个五年计划已经全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过,这个决议预示我国经济建设将步入新的高涨阶段,客观形势要求我们生产的机床和工具不单是数量大、品种多,最重要的是具有高度的质量。 近来工厂对产品质量问题虽然也作了些努力,并获得一定的成绩;但是对於制造工件的材料的性能控制,却长时期被忽视着,致使我们产品的寿命没有确切的保证。为了全面提高产品质量,展开理化检验工作,就成为当今刻不容缓任务。 兹向各厂介绍“济南第二机床厂推行理化检验制度工作总结”。希望各厂认真学习他们的经验,并结合本局有关指示 制定理化检验制度并贯激施行,以配合生产车间提高产品质量。 根据济南第二机床厂的经验,必须指出:理化检验工作要顺利的展开,应当扫除思想障碍,领导亲自动手,检查科严格把关,试验室认真负责,各有关单位有机地配合。更要建立汇报制度,定期检查,发现问题即时解决,防止一曝十寒,日久制度又成具文的缺点。 只有健全的理化检验制度才能把生产车间和试验室密切地联系起来,发挥试验室为生产服务的积极效用,从而全面提高产品质量。 The first five-year plan has been adopted at the second session of the National People’s Congress. This resolution indicates that China’s economic construction will enter a new high stage. The objective situation requires that our machine tools and tools are not only large in quantity, but also in variety and most important. There is a high degree of quality. Although the factory has recently made some efforts on product quality issues and achieved certain results, the performance control of the materials used to manufacture the workpieces has been neglected for a long period of time, resulting in no guarantee of the lifespan of our products. In order to improve product quality in an all-round way, the physical and chemical inspection work has become a task of no delay today. The company will introduce the “Summary of the Physical and Chemical Inspection System for Jinan No. 2 Machine Tool Plant”. It is hoped that the factories will carefully study their experiences, and formulate physical and chemical inspection systems in conjunction with the relevant directives of this Council and implement them in a consistent manner so as to cooperate with the production workshop to improve product quality. According to the experience of Jinan No. 2 Machine Tool Plant, it must be pointed out that the physics and chemistry inspection work should be carried out smoothly, the ideological obstacles should be removed, the leaders should be hands-on, the inspection department should be strictly controlled, the laboratory should be seriously responsible, and all relevant units should cooperate organically. It is even more necessary to establish a reporting system and carry out regular inspections to find that problems are solved immediately to prevent exposure to cold weather. Only a sound physical and chemical inspection system can closely link the production workshop and the laboratory, and use the active service of the laboratory for production services, thereby comprehensively improving product quality.
(一)机械局三年来所 走的道路 三年来,东北机械工业在党和政府及工业部的领导下,在苏联专家的帮助下,及全体职工的努力,已有了迅速的恢复与发展。远在一九四九年接收不久,经
引言铸品尺寸精密,減少机工加工,为一般机械制造之要求。用压模(Die Cast)及硬模(Permenant Mold)法制造之铸品,均可精确至0.001″-0.05″,減少加工手续,颇合一般要求。但压